Chapter 26

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En route to Joshua Thompson's residence, Gil calls to brief Westgale. "Oh my God," he breathes as Gil updates him. "I told Jessie it wasn't wise to do these meet and greets. There's just way too many nut jobs out there. And this guy sounds like one of them. But that's my daughter—when she sets her mind to something there's no—"

"I must caution you, sir. We don't have any hard proof linking this guy to Jessica's disappearance, but when you piece everything together, and consider the facts, it's impossible not to be suspicious of him." "Why, Gil? Why would anyone harm such a loving person?"

Westgale says. "All she's done her entire life is help people."
"I wish I had an answer for you, Mr. President, but I don't." When Gil and Gallio reach the apartment building where Joshua

Thompson is supposedly living, they make sure their backup is fully in place before identifying themselves to the building security guard.

"Here, let me escort you up to Mr. Thompson's unit," he says, and leads them up to the twenty-first floor. Gil knocks gently on the door.

"Hey, who is it? I didn't see my signal light up," a deep male voice says. When Gallio informs him of who they are, the man opens the door. "Well, I guess it sure wouldn't be in my best interest to turn you guys away. Come on in."

"Joshua Thompson?" Gil confirms, though the man before him is the same one they saw in the view-file.

"That's me, in the flesh," Joshua replies matter-of-factly.

"Let me tell you why we're here, Mr. Thompson." Gil then explains.

"And you think I had something to do with her disappearance," Joshua says, looking shocked. "That is ludicrous," he adds.

Gallio details their suspicions.

Thompson scowls. "That's right, anything to do with her and her father makes me sick. Watching these people run my country to the ground crushes my heart."

"To the point where you referred to her under your breath tonight as a 'stupid bitch,'" Gil says with a raised brow.

"Is that a crime?"

"And according to your view-file page, your wish is for her and her father to fall off the face of the earth."

"Oh, forgive me for not being one of their sycophants," Joshua sneers. "Do we not still have something called free speech in this country?"

"Very well, Mr. Thompson, but what perplexes me is that you've attended the last four Kratz Foundation events knowing very well that Jessica Westgale oversees the foundation," Gil says, his tone growing sharper.

"The only reason I've been attending these meetings is because I'm trying to better myself, Agent Robichaud," he answers, then takes a deep breath. "My alcohol addiction has had a negative impact on so many aspects of my life—worst of all, it cost me the woman I love. I couldn't care less about Jessica Westgale's involvement. The only reason I stayed for the meet and greet was because the person I attended the event with wanted to get an autograph and a photo for his sister. Here's his name." He moves to a side table in the foyer and writes the man's name and contact information down on a piece of paper. He hands it to Gil, who then steps to one side for a murmured conversation with Gallio.

"I thank you for your time, Mr. Thompson, I'm leaving, but I hope you don't mind if Agent Gallio asks you a few more questions," Gil says.

"He can ask me all the questions he wants, but I don't know a damn thing about any of this," Joshua says as he plops down on his living room sofa. Flash-pad in hand, Gallio sits across from him. Gil leaves.

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