Chapter 9: Summer

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Chapter 9

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Rwby; Or Anything Else You May Recognize.


"Nix, " Normal Speech.
'Nix, ' Normal Thought.
"Nix, " Normal Telepathy.
[Nix] Computer Speech(?)


A Bullhead could be seen flying above a snow-covered forest. The Bullhead was on its way to the city of Atlas via special request from General Ironwood himself.

It was currently escorting the only passenger aboard the aircraft.

The crew consisted of two Atlas senior Military pilots and one of Atlas' Special Operatives, who was acting as the vessel's stewardess. They were personally tasked with fulfilling all of the needs and wants of their lone passenger.

Their passenger was currently looking down at their Scroll. A small delicate hand touched the screen, causing a picture to appear on the Scroll's display.

Staring at it for a few moments, they then collapsed their Scroll putting it away into their hooded cloak. They stood up from their very comfortable seat and began to stretch their limbs.

This caused the hood of their cloak to fall off of their head, revealing the face of a beautiful young woman.

She appeared to be in her mid-teens. She stood at about 5ft 3 inches in height.

After she was finished stretching, she turned back towards where she was sitting and reached for something besides her seat.

In her hand was a crimson cylindrical object, she inspected it for a few moments before she placed it in the small of her back, where an unnoticeable holder was located.

Nodding her head in satisfaction, she smiled as she skipped towards the cockpit of the aircraft. The doors slid open as she entered them.

She saw the two pilots arguing about something while the Special Operative appeared to be in thought.

The door slid closed behind her catching the entire cockpit's attention.

"Is everything alright Maria?" She asked in a concerned tone.

The Special Operative, now named Maria replied. "Everything is fine, Ma'am." She gestured with her hand towards the controls. "Just some electrical disturbances. Some unknown energy had crashed some of the vessel's systems."

"How are we still flying then?"

One of the pilots answered this time. "As we had explained to you when you boarded. This is a special prototype aircraft, specifically designed for speed, stealth, and recon."

"And that means?" She asked with an awkward look on her face.

The other pilot answered this time. "What this idiot is trying to say, is that if we were flying any other aircraft, we'd be crash landing right about now."

She looked towards Maria hoping for a better explanation.

Maria seeing her look explained. "The unknown energy would have knocked out anything that was powered by dust. Which means that any normal aircraft would have been knocked out of the sky. But we're currently aboard a prototype vessel that was specifically designed for something like this." She finished with a proud look on her face.

She grew excited at the idea of the aircraft having some form of prototype weaponry. "Does it have any experimental weaponry?" She questioned hopping up and down on excitement.

"There is currently no form of weapons aboard this vessel. But do not fret, this is the fastest vehicle in all of Remnant, we can outrun any foreign vessel or Grimm if need be." The first soldier replied, killing her enthusiasm

Atlas' Transmigrant (OC x Harem)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ