Chapter 4: Gala

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Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Rwby.

"Nix, " Normal Speech.
'Nix, ' Normal Thought.

By his six birthday, Nix was finally able to convince his Mother to allow him some form of martial training. There were stipulations on them of course, such as that they couldn't be anything too strenuous, and that if he was going to get martial lessons he also had to have more educational lessons.

His Mother probably thought that the stipulations might persuade him to not have Martial lessons until for a few more years. But, Nix didn't see anything wrong with the stipulations that his Mother had issued. From his perspective, the stipulations were all logical and they were in favor of him, not that he tell his Mother that of course.

After all, while he did learn a lot about this world, there are still many, many things he still didn't about it. He was quite happy to have other lessons other than martial one, reason being is that he could learn more general and or more modern knowledge of the world. Which would hopefully be tailored around his ability to learn, meaning if he learns what he was taught fast, he would then be taught more to balance it out.

Having the body and brain composition of a child has both pros and cons. So, simply put, having a Child's brain + an Adult Mentality/Disposition + Memory Techniques + having Mastered Learning in his previous life = Incomprehensible learning speeds.

He forgot to add good Genes into that equation.

As for not being able to have any lessons considered strenuous, he was fine with that as he still didn't completely understand the Biological, Physiological, and Anatomical aspects of the 'Humans' on this planet. So he didn't was to overdo it and accidentally hurt his body permanently in some way. He also wasn't sure how his ability to learn fast would affect the physical learning of Martial lessons. There was also the Faunus to take into consideration too.


Another notable event that occurred was a Gala that his family held in Winter's honor. It was shortly after his Sister's first birthday. Many prominent people throughout the world attended the Gala, probably to gain favors from his Father.

He mostly ignored most of the attendees, besides greeting them and thanking them for coming as a good host would do. When he saw General Ironwood, or less formally Uncle James, arrive he made his way over as inconspicuously as possible. When he finally did arrive at Uncle James, he saw that his Father and Mother had just finished greeting Uncle James, and were now moving on to another set of guests, a man, and a young girl.

"Thank you for attending my Sister's Gala, General Ironwood, Sir, " Nix greeted his Uncle James.

Hearing a familiar voice, James turned his head to look down to see Nix greeting him.

"Good afternoon, Nix. And there is no need to thank me, you know I wouldn't miss this for the world." James replied.

"After all, I did attend the Gala that was held in your honor as well."

Nix nodded in understanding.

"Still, I must thank you for attending my Sister's Gala."

Chuckling at Nix' formality, James moved his hand to rub Nix' hair, "Now, Now, have you been enjoying that book I gave you?" He asked.

Nix' light blue eyes lit up recognition, nodding, "Yes, Uncle James its been quite helpful, thank you once again for giving it to me."

James nodded at the appreciation, looking down at Nix outfit, "I see you're still wearing that White outfit your Mother bought you." James observed.

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