Chapter 2: Atlas

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Disclaimer: I Don't Own Rwby.

"Nix," Normal Speech
'Nix, ' Normal Thought

The City of Atlas, the current capital of the Kingdom of Atlas. Home to the Atlas Academy and the Schnee Dust Campany Headquarters. Famous for their technological achievements. Like the other Kingdoms, Atlas is governed by a council, but unlike the other Kingdoms, its Military, Academy, and Government is a single entity.

General Ironwood, Headmaster of Atlas Academy, General of the Atlas Military, also part of the Atlas Council.

Atlas Academy, one of the four Academies created to train Huntsmen and Huntresses. Warriors trained to fight the Creatures of Grimm.


Nix and his Father, Jacques are on their way to the City of Atlas. His Father wants to show him some of the responsibilities that he'll one day inherit since Nix is the heir to the Company.

But, the main reason they were visiting the City of Atlas was because of General Ironwood, an old close friend of his fathers, had asked his father to come to the City of Atlas so he could consult with him on something that was important.

His Father needed to visit the City of Atlas for business reasons anyway.

He had asked his Father if he could come along, his Father had agreed to let him join in, seeing it as a good chance to teach him a little about the family business. When his Mother found out, she had shown disapproval at his Fathers plans, saying he was too young.

His Father obviously disagreed but did not want to argue with her knowing it was a lose-lose situation even if he won.

Seeing his Father's dilemma, he came to his father's rescue, begging his mother to let him go so he could spend some quality time with his Father. In the end, he had to make several promises to his mother to let him go.

As he and his Father walked to their private transport, his Father praised his situational awareness, which he translated in his mind to, 'Thanks for coming to my rescue at my predicament against such impossible odds and possible doom, ', his father had even patted his head.

Which meant that he had earned himself some Father points.


The trip to Atlas was uneventful, which bored him to no end. He would have practiced with his Aura, but recently he had hit a wall in his progression. He was unsure as to why he had not made any progression in recent months. His had two theories as to why.

His first theory was the logical one and the most obvious one, possibly because he did not have his Aura 'Unlocked' yet, meaning he was limited to what he could do with it at the moment.

His second theory was more based on a gut feeling, meaning his lack of recent progression in his Aura was because he was missing something important. Some factor he didn't know of, possibly being the reason why.

For reference of time, its been a little over a year since he had given his Mother the Rose.

That led to many questions from both of his parents.

He was looking out of a window when he saw the City of Atlas, in all its glory floating a few miles above the ground. He looked at it awe.

"We are now approaching the City of Atlas, ETA Five minutes until we land at the Atlas Academy."

He heard from the speakers throughout the cabin he and his father were relaxing in.

He continues to look out the window, down at the city to take in the sights.

Atlas' Transmigrant (OC x Harem)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora