Hyperventilate / The Hounds Of Baskerville 2

Start from the beginning

They finally reach the woods and John falls back a bit to look around.
When Kate looks for him the next time he's gone and immediately her breath quickens. "John?" She whisper-jells in the darkness.
"I'm gonna go look for him!" She informs Sherlock, her hand slides out of his and she disappears in the darkness without a noise.
She finds John around the last turn they took because of his flashlight.
"John?" She exhales deeply. "Shit, you scared me. You ok?"
He spins around and lights her in the face before lowering it again. "Sorry. Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Take a look at this."
She steps up beside him and follows his gaze. Upon the hill is a light. A flashing light.
John gets out his notebook and stares at the light. "U"
"Morse code?" Kate asks John who nods, writing down the U.
Kate continues and tells him the next letters so John can write. "M,...Q,...R,...A."
"U, M, Q, R, A. Umqra?" He frowns and shakes his head.
"Makes no sense to me. Maybe Sherlock knows. Come on, we should catch up." Kate walks towards the direction in which Sherlock and Henry took off and whisper-yell their names.
"You know Morse code?" John asks her after they walked for some time.
"Apparently:" Kate gives a short response.
"Are you ever gonna tell me where you learned how to shoot? Read Morse code? Do combat fighting? That doesn't sound like a pathologist to me."
"I hope not?" She jokes and looks at him for a moment. "I want to keep my best friend."
"Its just-it's just hard for me sometimes. Sherlock's already a walking mystery and then sometimes I'm reminded that I don't know anything about your life before you moved in and that's strange for people who call themselves best friends."
They've stopped walking by now and Kate sighs sadly. "I get that John. I really do. But please notice that I've always been honest with you. I've never told lies about my past and I never hid my skills, even tho I planned on letting all of that behind and starting a new life. So please accept that I can't talk to you about the last 15 years for now and that you already know more than you should. I have my reasons for a new start and even tho I trust you I don't want you to see me differently just yet. I'm happy right now. Happier than I've ever been and I don't want to ruin that, cause that's what I always do. Mess up my own life."
"I'm sorry." John says with honesty.
"It's alright. I was waiting for you to ask. You've been patient with me for nearly a year now. I'm just asking you to be patient for a little more."
They hug each other till they hear a metallic sound and separate.
John points his flashlight in the direction the sound is coming from and they slowly walk towards it. It turns out to be an old metal container and they chuckle and sigh with relief.
Suddenly something flashes past them and Kate feels something touch her leg. She stumbles into John's side as they spin around to see what it is but there's nothing.
Before either of them can speak there's a wolf-ish howl and they both hold their breath.
"Shit!" Kate curses, gets her gun out and starts to run in the direction in which she suspects Sherlock and Henry. She can hear John following her close on the toes.
Another howl echoes through the wood and they run even faster.

Finally they can see Sherlock and Henry hurrying in their direction.
"Sherlock!" Kate shouts and throws herself against his chest. "Oh my god, are you ok?"
He gently pushes her off and walks past them.
"Did you hear that?" John asks out of breath.
"We saw it. We saw it." Henry panics.
"No. I didn't see anything." Sherlock states and they follow after him.
"What? What are you talking about?" Henry asks.
"I didn't. See. Anything." Sherlock nearly growls.
Henry looks at Kate who just hurries beside Sherlock with a worried expression. "Sherlock?!"
They reach the car and Sherlock finally takes a moment to catch his breath. Kate can see his hands shaking and clenches her jaw.
"Ok." She spins around to John. "You, backseat with Henry. I need you to check on him."
Sherlock puts his flashlight back in the trunk and heads for the driver door when Kate stops him.
"And you." She points at him. "Passenger seat, now. I'm not gonna let you drive in that condition."
"But you'll have to drive the 'wrong' side." John notices as he opens the car door for Henry.
To her surprise Sherlock obliged without a fight and slit in the passenger seat immediately.
"Guess I have no choice." With a growl she gets in the car, moves the seat forwards since Sherlock is taller than her and drives back to Henry's house.

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