I sighed while I took Faria out of her car seat, then I slung her back over my shoulder and I buzzed up to Freddie's place, hoping that he'd answer quickly.

I moaned, softly, while Jim reached around to grab my ass, pulling me closer to him while he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and I ground into his lap, smirking when I felt his cock pressing up against me.

I jumped and Jim let me go when the buzzer started going off. I tried to smooth everything out, trying to hide the bulge in my trousers from his touching, then I got up and I pressed the button that opened the main door.

"She should be up right away now." I sighed and Jim bit his lip while he watched me walk to the door. "Fuck, you're amazing." I breathed while I looked at him and he chuckled, softly.

"Says you." He smiled, then he stretched and he waited for Brian to knock on the door.

"Hi, beautiful." I cooed, taking her from Brian before hugging her close to me. "Baba missed you so, so much." I kissed her head and she laughed, holding my face in her chubby little hands. "Brian, this is Jim." I smiled, turning around and pointing to Jim, so Brian could go over and shake his hand. "Brian is Faria's dad." I told Jim and he nodded with a bit of a smile.

"You told me that already." Jim chuckled, shaking Brian's hand. "And you can trust me when I say I'm going to be good to Faria and Freddie." He smiled and Brian didn't look too amused.

"Come with me." He held my arm and he led me into another room with Faria. "I don't like him, Freddie." He whispered and I frowned while I bounced the baby on my hip. "I don't want him near my daughter. I don't know him, I don't trust him, he doesn't need to be near her." He told me and I scoffed.

"I'm a grown man, Brian." I muttered, holding Faria close to me. "You can't tell me who I can and can't date- Hell, we aren't even dating! He's just a friend, Jesus!"

"His fucking boner doesn't seem like a friend type of boner!" He exclaimed, motioning to the door. I groaned, shaking my head and scrubbing my hands over my face.

"He doesn't have a boner, Brian!" I exclaimed, startling Faria a bit. "Get out of my house, you're getting on my fucking nerves." I shook my head and I pushed him out of the room. "God, I don't know how I ever dated you, you're so fucking smothering!" I yelled while I pushed him out of my flat.

Faria was shocked, so she started crying. I sighed, softly, and I held her close to me, rocking her back and forth while I shushed her.

"Is he always like that?" Jim asked once Faria was calmed down a bit.

"Just lately. Roger told him about you, so he's getting really protective over Faria. Well, he's always been protective over her, but he's getting worse now that we're not together anymore and there's potential for a new parent in her life." I shrugged and Jim gasped- fuck, I had called him a parent. "No, no, wait, you're not a parent. I'm not calling you her parent, I just mean that there could be someone out there that wants to be her parent!" I corrected, quickly.

"It's fine, Freddie." He chuckled, softly, then he took Faria from me and he bounced her on his hip. "Hello, beautiful. My, do you ever look like your baba." He chuckled, softly, and Faria made a face at him before reaching out to touch his moustache. "What's that? Is that something new?" He cooed and she nodded with a little giggle.

Something told me that they'd get along just fine.

December 20, 1977

I took a deep breath and stretched, smiling a bit when Jim clung to my side in his sleep. We said that we didn't want to do sleepovers at each other's houses, but there he was, sleeping next to me in my bed. Well, he only wanted to stay over because we ended up staying up too late watching a film with Faria and he was too tired to drive home, so maybe that was the exception to our sleepover rule.

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