Love you to death!Part 26

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As Libby and Jake lay in bed most of the day, cuddling and kissing, the phone rings , Jake answers the mobile,
Drake ( pretending to feel sad) over the phone ,
"What's wrong, bro?
Jake sits up, worrying with concern
Jake puts loud speaker on, talk to us ... Just say it..."It's Elena",sniff , sniff

Libby sits up , "something is wrong isn't it? She's worried? A terrible feeling has made her feel ill to the stomach.
"She went for a bath, she drunk a whole bottle of wine, fell asleep and (he pretend to cry), she's dead.... She drowned in the water.

"I feel numb ... I don't think that I can stay in this house many memories.!! Sobs drake
Libby lets out a scream!
"No she can't be dead, it was just yesterday we got back from Australia, "No , No No ..she can't be dead...."
Jake sheds a tear, but he's concern about his girl. He cuddles her, for comfort . Drake hangs up the phone, stops pretending and smiles down at Elena's dead body.
Libby stops crying, she tells Jake that she wants to see the proof, before she knows it's true.
Libby and Jake got dressed, and drove over to the farm house.
Arriving at the gate they both got out and walked up to the house, drake saw them , he put on a sad face , Jake and Libby held each other's hand, they entered, Libby could smell elenas perfume, that lingered in the hallway,
She didn't look at drake, part her knew, drake did that to her , but didn't have any proof.
Libby dash towards the bathroom, she saw Elena's cold naked lifeless body, laying under water. Libby kneels down, her back of her hand over her mouth, closing her eyes, tears stream down her face, she lets out a screaming cry!
Jake follows behind Libby, Jake sees Elena's lifeless body, he pulls down the shower curtain and covers over top of her body.
Have you called the police,? Ask Jake, "No I haven't.
"I'll go call them , stay here with Libby !
Drake tries to comfort Libby, she looks into his eyes,
"You killed her?,
"I have a feeling you did this to her? Jake said ,they're on their way now. Jake takes Libby outside.
10 minutes later they all here police cars , in a distance coming their way.
The Police and Coroner was the first to arrive on the scene , drake showed them where the body was.
Drake gave them a statement, that happened that day.
They'd took photos of the area, they'd wheeled in a stretcher to place her body on.
They took her away in a Ambulance, to Crystal Lakes Morgue.
Scared and angry Libby lashes out on drake,
"you're going down , I hate you, she spat in his face, never come near me or Jake ever again.
She's going crazy man?
I'm not crazy ?
Jake can you take me down to the police station
Sure babe ,they drove off .
They arrived at the police station. Libby walks up to an CSI ,I want to make a statement!
Bout what love? Confused Jake was
"Something I've shouldn't kept from you, Jake ,but I was scared, now I'm still frightened but, it's been haunting me almost a year and a bit!
"I know who Sexually assaulted me at the lake party, ?
"You knew, who it was and didn't tell me?
"Please don't be upset with me, Jake I'm still feeling scared of him, he told me ,"if I said anything about it to anyone, he'll probably kill me or if anyone else knew?.
The police officer asked for his name
"It's Drake Wells?
"He pretended to be you! a week before the party at the lake, I thought it was you Jake?.
"He started to make love to me, but when I said your name, he said who's Jake? I'm drake, he left bruises on my wrists , he'd bounded my hands to the bed and continuously rape me , until he was satisfied."!
"There was other times that he'd come up and touched my breasts.
"I'm so sorry , I didn't tell you, Libby cried in the interview room .
Jake was furious , but he had to tell them something too.
"After the ordeal at the hospital, when you feel asleep on the couch at home, me and Elena ,found sex photos of you, me and Elena , also there was a cam Corder videoing you, us , him Elena?
"Who knows what else he's been up too?
"Look "we're sending a squad car to keep a look out for your brother, they will keep you safe!! They're going to follow you home, make sure all your windows are locked and doors too.

Libby and Jake was followed home by one police car.
Drake heard 2 cars pull up, he went down stairs to hide in the cellar.
The 2 police officers ask to enter first just in case. Libby nodded her head.
They entered the property, looked inside up stairs and around, nothing they said, you'll are OK to enter. Libby and Jake went into the lounge room, they sat in front of the burning wood fire. Jake knew now Libby was terrified of his brother drake, he sat next to her and held her hand.
We are going to catch Drake, he'll be sent to jail or the elective chair. Slight smile she gives Jake and leans over for a kiss... I love you.
The first officer was on first watch ,
Drake came out of the shadows, moving slowly into the kitchen, he grabbed one of the steak knives from the knife block,
He went outside and crawled up to the police officer sitting in the car, the police officer saw a stranger standing next to him, before he could act, Drake stabbed him in the side of the neck. Blood spraying everywhere inside the car.
"One down, one to go!
Drake continued to hunt down the 2nd officer. Drake goes back towards the house, and spots one of Libby dads golf clubs laying on a shelf in the shed, he puts the knife in his back pocket, picks up the golf club
"This will do, nicely, also he sees a shattered mirror picks it up for surveillance
Drake heard pacing footsteps around the corner, he looks carefully with part of mirror, spots the second officer.
The officer turns around and walks back, now drake has a chance to creep up behind him. The officer feels hot heavy breathing on the back of his skin, he turns, drake clobbered him with the golf club.
Thump! the police officer hit the ground hard
"What was that? said Jake , I'm going to investigate. Stay here, don't go wandering off!!
Jake , takes caution, opens the front door, looks down the drive way, a heavy fog flows in, surrounding Libby's estate,
Drake has the chance to be Jake again, closing the back door , Libby heard it slam, drake raced up stairs
Slience ..
Jake is that you?
Yeah I'm up stairs, drake washed his face, hands.
Libby raced up stairs,
"Jake I've been calling out!
"What was that thump outside?
Oh , just an police officer falling to the ground after I clobbered him with a golf club.
"DRAKE, where's my Jake?
"I don't know, besides, who cares!!
Drake forces Libby into a corner, come baby give me a kiss, she turns away, he grabs her by the throat, runs his hand over top off her blouse.
"Do you know what, (she shakes her head)the first time I saw you, was at the airport, and god damn you're so fucken gorgeous, I would love to tap that arse, but chose my brother Jake.

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