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the boy fell unconscious when they were both star gazing.

he was pale , shivering and sweating crazily.

he was dying at that very moment.

"oh my goodness , HEY ! WAKE UP !" the girl screamed and kneeled as she shook the boy's frail body.

She couldn't call for help as they were both on the terrace,

And there was nobody there but both of them.

she was panicking but she gathered up her strength and picked up the unconscious boy off the ground and put him on his wheelchair.

she pushed the wheelchair as fast as she could and finally waited for the elevator to come up.

When it finally arrived , the girl quickly went inside to pressed the button.

But her hands were shaking and she struggled to press the button.

Finally , after a few seconds , she finally managed to press the button and quickly closed the elevator door.

"HELP ! PLEAS HELP ! MY FRIEND IS UNCONSIOUS !" She yelled across the hallway, attracting all the nurses attention.

Doctors and nurses came rushing towards them and they began to push the boy's wheelchair.

"What room are you in?"


"Okay. For the mean time please don't go to the room first." the doctor said as they went inside their room.

she waited for hours and hours not realizing the time.

Her chest was hurting from her sickness and from the stress.

"please... live, you can't die now." she mumbled as clenched her chest and tears started falling from her eyes.

finally after she prayed , the doctors came out of the room. She stood up and grabbed the doctor's shirt. She looked into the doctor's eyes with such fear.

"Is he okay?" she asked while panting heavily.

"i'm sorry...but, we predict he only has a month to live. His body is deteriorating much faster so he may not be able to leave his room."

"is he awake?"


upon hearing the doctor , she quickly ran and opened the door still clenching her chest.

there she saw the boy,

there were tubes around his body.

it was too heart breaking for her.

"hey..." he said weakly.

and yet he kept a bright smile.

"WHY... WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!" the girl yelled as she burst into tears. She froze.

there was a moment of silence and only the girl's sob and the ticking clock was heard.

"i'm allowed to smile even if i'm dying right?" he said and still smiling.

the girl looked into his eyes with tears still flooding.

"i can't move my arms now. that goes the same for my legs. and yet i can still talk to you like this. I should be grateful." he continued.

"but...aren't you scared..of death?" she asked him.

"of course i am. But, we're humans. from the first time we met the world , we were all destined to die no matter what. no matter what condition , we were all gonna die anyways." he said.

"how..how can you be so strong in this kind of situation? You almost died !" She screamed.

"and yet i didn't. i was given another chance to live. because i haven't completed my mission here." he smiled.

"c'mon. it's okay , i can't move now and help you with your bucket list but--"

"screw the bucket list...it's not that important..." her eyes are filled with so much emotions. Sadness. Rage. Anger.

"i want to accompany you. 'til your last breath." she walked towards his bed and sat down beside him.

"...thank you... so much"

until our next life | Moon-TamaWhere stories live. Discover now