Chapter 21

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Prior to their meeting, Westgale looked into Shadow Pix's past. Although information was scarce, he was able to learn that Shadow was the so-called "brains" behind the Iron Lotus. Unlike his six deceased brothers, his military experience was very limited. Westgale also learned Shadow was highly educated and fluent in several languages. What caught him by surprise was the contempt Shadow felt toward his grandfather. In his only documented American interview, Shadow commented that his grandfather's "barbaric tyrannical approach to governance set Pinia back centuries."

The clandestine meeting took place just before dawn at New York City's Gladiator Arena. For the last twenty years, the arena had been home to most of the country's premiere bare-knuckle championship fights. Many men and women had entered the pugilist diamond and not come out alive. In the years following the War Within, bare- knuckle fighting had begun to challenge soccer as the country's most popular sport.

Once in New York, Westgale boarded an unmarked robo-copter along with Agent Gallio. A second copter with Gil and Shadow Pix followed. The copters landed in a large field behind the arena. The group entered the arena, where Gallio set two chairs in the middle of the diamond.

Normally, the Gladiator Arena was a raucous place, as the fighters gave everything they had, both physically and mentally— while fans frantically screamed for their chosen fighter to destroy the other. Every move they made was highly calculated and more times than not, the mental battle became more important than the physical. It seemed that this might be true for this contest as well, as Westgale and Shadow sat face to face, and tension built to a level that had not been seen in this particular den of madness.

"So, you're the young man who has captured my daughter's heart," Westgale began, intently studying Shadow.

"Yes. I care deeply for Jessica. She's a very special person and I love her with all my heart," Shadow replied sincerely.

"Even though her father happens to be the man responsible for the deaths of your six brothers?"

"My brothers were soldiers, sir. They were killed fighting for a cause they strongly believed in."

"Ah yes, the invasion of Oria. Tell me, Shadow: was that a cause you yourself believed in?"

Shadow thought before answering. "No... I've never believed my father should've invaded Oria. That all began with my very nonsensical grandfather."

"Is your father aware of how you feel?"

"Of course. I am not my father's puppet. We share a very close bond, but I am very much my own person."

"And what about that deadly helcin attack on the government officials? Was that something you opposed as well?"

"My father did not order that mission. Members from one of our secondary military units decided to commit that heinous act of their own accord, and once my father found out who they were, he had them executed. The Pinian government knew the truth, but they covered it up, as always. They fed off many forms of propaganda. This is how they kept the people of Pinia trusting them."

"And what is the future of Pinia with the Iron Lotus in charge?"

"Our country is very wealthy in terms of resources, but we've been very lacking when it comes to our overall development. It's our goal to do a far better job of educating and providing for our people. We want to make them feel proud."

"That sounds very noble, but what about the close ties your militia has with the HKM?"

"We will do whatever is in the best interest of Pinia, and that includes the proposal we've made to your government."

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