Chapter 11

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The following evening, Westgale addressed the nation about the discovery of the mineral on Moon Shade Bluff, and all aspects relating to it, including the suspected murder of my father. "My Chief of Medicine and Science, Dr. Jack Ahar, and his associates believe this mineral is an important discovery that may lead to a medical breakthrough of substantial proportions," he proclaimed, his demeanor upbeat. Then his expression turned grave. "My Administration is offering a $10-million reward for information leading to the arrest of those individuals who are behind the manufacturing of this narcotic, as well as the murders of Dennis Claremont and Ferguson Macintosh." He looked intently into the UCIT camera and declared, "Mark my words. We will find you, and you will be punished to the full extent of the law."

I listened to Westgale speak, yet still found it difficult to comprehend that my father had been murdered while saving the lives of two young boys. I had no choice now but to accept it as fact. My feelings must have shown on my face because Sharon asked, "Do you want to talk about it, Heath?" She gently caressed my arm.

"I just can't believe how evil and heartless these people could be," I said, my throat tight.

"It appears whoever did this was prepared to do whatever it took to protect their secret... including murder," Sharon said gently.

"At least Westgale didn't tell the world how we believe Riley was cured. Whatever we do, we just can't put him through that, Sharon."

"I fully agree with you, but I do think we have to tell him about your father being murdered. If he hears the news from somebody other than us, it'll be even more difficult for him."

"Since his birthday's tomorrow, let's at least wait until the day after," I said.

She nodded. "That's a wise idea."

"Hi Grandma. I'm so glad you came to my party," said a beaming Riley as he came running to the door.

"Somebody else is here with me," Mom said with a grin.

"All right, Uncle Zack!" Riley exclaimed as Zack appeared beside her.

"This is my grandma. And this is Uncle Zack," Riley said to his friend Christopher, who had followed Riley to the door.

"Is he the man who made those neat robots you showed me?" Christopher whispered.

"Yes, that's him." Riley turned back to Mom and Zack. "I showed Christopher the pictures of the robots you used to make."

"That was many years ago, boys," Zack replied with a chuckle. "Now I make food instead of machines."

"I want to open Grandma's present first," Riley exclaimed after the birthday dinner and cake.

"Here you are, my little prince," Mom said as she handed Riley a box gift-wrapped in Washington Androids paper.

Riley tore at the paper. "Laser Flash Frenzy! This game is amazing! Thanks, Grandma. Do you remember when we played this game at Uncle Skip's place?" Riley shouted to Sharon.

"I remember, Riley. You were the champion that night." Sharon laughed.

"Hey, Riley, there's something else in there," I said, noticing another wrapped package at the bottom of the box. I handed it to Riley.

Once again, in a mad state of euphoria, Riley tore off the paper. "Wow, my own American flag!" Riley bellowed as he unfurled the flag. "And that's not just any American flag," Mom said with a

smile. "That flag was given to our family in memory of your

Grandpa Dennis for saving those two young boys at Moon Shade Bluff."

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