Chapter 15

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The entire Westgale Administration spent the next several days behind closed doors, piecing together evidence and planning a strategy for moving forward. "We can't just shut them down, gentlemen. We're talking about the most important corporation in the entire country, and one of our largest investment firms," Westgale said to Dave Perry and Champ Sutton. As the investigation was still ongoing, they had managed to keep the details as to why they raided S1H out of the public domain. But for how long could they do this?

"So far, other than the fact they were shipping the narcotics, there doesn't appear to be any other issues with Step 1 Health. And as far as Nora Pierce Davidson is concerned, after I thoroughly interviewed her, I believe she's telling us the truth: she had no knowledge of what her father and uncle had been doing," Sutton said.

"Are you suggesting we allow the company to continue to function with Nora maintaining her role as CEO?" Perry asked.

"Yes. I think it'd be in the best interest of everyone," Sutton replied confidently.

"I agree, David," Westgale added. "We must make certain Lawson Pierce and his brother are held accountable for their actions, but unless our investigation turns up something different, the way I see it, it is not necessary to go any further."

"I concur," Perry replied. "And the Fryman Group?"

"That's a little trickier. It'll probably take quite some time for that investigation to be completed," Sutton replied, shaking his head.

"The fact that Fryman was operating the largest racketeering operation in the country alongside one of the largest investment firms... well, we're looking at some very complex dealings. Fortunately, some of his key executives have come forward and are more than willing to speak. And they've agreed to keep the details surrounding his death under wraps, for the time being."

Westgale frowned. "Our past government set this entire thing in motion by giving Fryman free rein to make a deal with the HKM government. That really sickens me."

"That's the other thing I wanted to discuss with you, sir," Sutton said. "I'm of the opinion we also need to hold accountable those from our government who contributed to this madness."

"Since former President Montgomery is no longer with us, I've arranged to meet with former Vice President Scott this evening," Westgale replied.

"I'm sure it'll be very interesting to see his response when you break the news to him," Perry said in a droll voice.

Now seventy-two years old, former Republican, American vice president and current MAA supporter Michael Scott appeared much younger than his age. Still healthy and actively managing his own consulting firm since leaving politics twenty years earlier, he was a gregarious man who always enjoyed being in the public eye. Along with running his consulting firm he was also part owner of the New York Billionaires professional soccer club.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation, Michael," Westgale said, leading him to the presidential drawing room. "Can I fix you a drink?"

"Oh boy, could I ever use one," Scott replied. "My Billionaires really took it on the chin last night."

"Now, let me see if I remember correctly... vodka and cranberry on the rocks?" Westgale asked.

"It still works for me," Scott replied as he plopped down on a sofa. "Wow, I must say this is a pleasant surprise. It's been way too long, William."

"Yeah, I do miss those hard-fought political battles we used to have."

"You were quite a stubborn little bugger, back in the day."

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