Chapter 18

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Jessica Westgale always took immense pleasure in helping others. Like her father, her dream was to see the world live in peace. As an American, she believed it was actually her duty to bring positive energy to the rest of the world. After graduating with an MBA from Summit University, she quickly began climbing the corporate ladder at Step 1 Health. Although to many, including her father, it seemed difficult to believe she would walk away from the corporate ranks of S1H, for Jessica, providing aid to the children of Pinia was far more important.

Several years ago, Assistance America set up a specialized program enabling American corporations to donate food, clothing, flash-screens, and educational tools to foreign countries in need. Jessica had worked diligently over the last couple of years, maintaining and even helping to expand the program to Pinia. When delivery day came, Jessica and her team would bask in delight as they watched the Pinian children's usual expressions of sadness turn to ones of complete joy.

Today was delivery day. As the children lined up to receive their share of the items, the excitement was palpable. "At least some of them are actually lining up for the healthier food," Jessica joked to her associate, Trevor Larsen.

"Thank you, Miss Jessica, and thank you, Mr. Trevor," a smiling child said as she showed them a flash-pad she'd received in her package.

"I'll help you set it up tomorrow. Okay, Ulu?" Trevor said.

At day's end the team headed back to their camp, settled in, and gathered for a campfire dinner. As usual, while sitting in a circle around the fire, they began singing God Bless America. As they finished the last verse, they heard a loud humming in the near distance.

Jessica looked up, only to be blinded by the headlights of a large bus. Four gun-toting men dressed in red and black military clothing rushed out of the vehicle and ordered Jessica and her team into the bus. Terrified, shaken, and confused, they obliged. What choice did they have?

"Everybody relax. Remain in your seats. We are just going for a little ride," one of the men bellowed from the front of the bus. Jessica looked out the window, attempting to gauge where they might be heading. But even though she knew the area well enough, it was far too dark, and the lack of street lighting made it impossible to tell.

"Do you know what's going on, Jessie?" Trevor whispered.

"I have no idea... but this can't be good. This is definitely the Iron Lotus," Jessica replied.

The bus rumbled on for the next fifteen minutes. The anxiety inside the bus was growing by the second. Finally, after turning into a large parking lot, the bus suddenly stopped. Jessica again looked through the window. This time she saw a large neon red sign that read HOL, which were the letters representing the country's only hotel chain. "Everybody exit," called out one of the men.

The men ushered the group of twenty into the concourse area of the hotel, where they were told to sit down. Jessica looked across the room and saw faces etched with terror watching the dozen members of the Iron Lotus who stood before them. Other than the heavy breathing and whimpers coming from the frightened group of American aid workers, the room was eerily silent.

One man pointed in Jessica's direction and two others walked down the aisle to where she was sitting. "Jessica Westgale," one of them said as they raised her from her seat. "We need you to come with us." They marched her out of the building and stopped her before a stylish electro minivan. She was blindfolded, then guided into the van. One man sat in the operator's seat and the other sat in the back with Jessica.

"What is this? What is going on?" she asked, her voice quavering with terror. "Where are you taking me?"

"Please relax, Miss Westgale," the man beside her said.

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