Chapter 10

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"You made a great choice, young lady," Joe Hislep said. "This big gal has a great temperament and she's sharp as a tack."

"Thank you, Aunt Sharon. Thank you, Uncle Heath. This is so gracious of you," Kayla said with a smile, stroking the head of the chestnut filly Sharon and I had just purchased for her.

"It's the least we could do after all you've done for us," I replied while Sharon gave Kayla a hug.

"Now we can go riding together!" Riley shouted. "What are you going to name her?"

"How about I let you name her, Riles. Do you have a name in mind?" Kayla asked.

"Uh... how about Jumper?" Riley said with a sheepish grin. "Excellent! Everybody, this is the new Jumper!"
Everyone smiled. Seconds later, Sharon's flash-pad began to buzz. It was Gil.

"Hello, Sharon. Pack your bags; it looks like we'll be heading

toOklahoma after all. I definitely want to speak with Jeremy Reasoner," he said, before relaying the latest revelation.

"Wait a second here. You're telling me Ahar believes the mineral actually could be used in a medical capacity?" Sharon said, astonished. "How could that be?"

"I guess God only knows," Gil answered. "You know, I must admit I thought your husband had really lost it when he told me how he believed your son was cured, but now I'm left to really wonder."

"Is Westgale going public with this?" Sharon asked.

"I've asked him to hold off until after we interview Reasoner," Gil replied.

"I'm in. When are we leaving?" "Tomorrow morning."

When Sharon and Gil arrived in Oklahoma, they were picked up by a black grand-electro from the Justice Department. The vehicle drove along a series of long and winding dirt roads, passing fields of corn, and rows of ancient weeping willows. More of a city person, Gil was instantly taken by the picturesque scenery.

"We really take it for granted, don't we," he murmured.
"The beauty. Look at the limbs of those trees swaying in unison, as if they're dancing to nature's own little symphony," Gil said as the cool autumn breeze guided the willow branches. "And that golden sunlight on the fields... incredible."

"Whoa—look to your right," Sharon exclaimed.

"Wow! It looks like an endless red velvet blanket," Gil replied as they passed a vast expanse of red soil.

"We're here, sir," the driver said. The vehicle pulled into the lane and slowly drove toward the Reasoner house and farm buildings in the distance.

"Look at all those apples," Sharon said, indicating an apple orchard running along the lane. "It looks like an artist's rendering."

"Very idyllic, indeed," Gil agreed as they passed a large herd of cattle peacefully grazing in a field on the opposite side.

The grand-electro stopped in front of the house. Gil and Sharon exited the vehicle and walked down a sandy path toward the front door. When they were a few feet away from the door, a man appeared. He was wearing a dark blue flat cap and matching overalls. He was average height and looked very fit.

"Hello, how can I help you?" he said, looking over the heads of Gil and Sharon toward the grand-electro.

"Are you Mr. Jeremy Reasoner?" Gil asked as they approached.

"Yes, I am," he replied.

Gil and Sharon took out their identification badges. "I'm Special Agent Gil Robichaud with US Federal Justice, and this is Sharon Claremont, District Attorney for Vexton County."

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