Chapter 13

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It had been a long day for Step 1 Health Chairman Lawson Pierce. He'd just finished his third business meeting and was looking forward to returning to the office to tie up some loose ends before he and his wife, Brooke, flew to Australia for a much-needed vacation.

His luxurious white grand-electro was waiting for him when he exited the building. "Back to the office, Timothy," he said to the driver as he got in. Then he noticed the driver was a much larger man than Timothy. Before he could do anything beyond gasp, the passenger door opened and a very skinny man slid into the backseat beside Lawson. He was holding a laser-gun.

Startled a second time, Lawson turned toward the man. "Wait a second—Dirk? What is going on?" he asked in shock.

"Don't be alarmed, Lawson," Dirk replied as the electro pulled away from the curb.

"Where the hell is Timothy?"

"He'll be fine, providing he can find a ride home. I guess next time he'll know better than to leave such an impressive vehicle unlocked."

"What are you doing, Dirk?"
"We're just going for a little ride. So, you just sit back and relax." "Listen to me, you little runt, I need to get back to the office. So

tell your thug to turn this damn electro around, right now."
"Now, now, now... You're not used to taking orders, are you?" Dirk answered with a sneer, moving the gun as a reminder to Lawson. "All your employees cater to your every whim. Always the king of the castle, huh, Lawson?"

After driving for twenty minutes, the driver pulled the grand- electro over to the side of a dirt road. Lawson had no idea where he was. Dirk waved the laser-gun, indicating that he should get out. The driver and Dirk followed suit. Dirk waved the gun toward the rear of the white electro and Lawson noticed for the first time a dark green van waiting for them. "In you go, Lawson," Dirk said.

"Where the hell are we going?" Lawson demanded as they climbed into the van.

"Please, Lawson. Army here likes quiet when he's driving," Dirk replied calmly, nodding toward the driver.


Two dozen National Investigation agents stormed Step 1 Health's New York City headquarters, part of a simultaneous blitz on the entire operation. Once the agents had secured the building, Director Martin Stevens entered and escorted CEO Nora Pierce Davidson into her office.

"Oh my God! What is happening?" she exclaimed once her initial panic had passed.

"Have a seat, ma'am," Stevens said politely. "Where's your father?" he asked.

"He's not here. He's been on the road all day," Nora replied. Her eyes flitted to the activity beyond the glass of her office wall before focusing on Stevens. "Why are you and your men here? Did something happen to my father? Are you looking for him?"

Calmly, Stevens pulled up a chair and sat directly in front of her. He then explained, in detail, what was taking place.

"There has to be a mistake, sir," Nora cried. "There's no way my father could have known anything about that mineral, let alone the fact it could be made into a narcotic or be used for medicinal purposes. And as far as L&B Products is concerned, it's one of our most valued divisions. It's our health care line for children." Her voice rose toward hysteria; Stevens maintained his calm.

"Before this raid took place, I spent quite some time studying your company. I must say, it is a rather enormous operation," Stevens said.

Nora took a moment to gather herself; when she spoke again, her voice was calmer as well. "That it is," she agreed. "And we take immense pride in our accomplishments. Dad and I have worked tirelessly to build the company into not only the largest, but the most important health care company in the country."

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