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"His eyes were green!" Sapphire exclaimed as she explained to the siblings what happened the previous night," They were like Klaus's but green." Harry stood behind her playing with the zipper on his jacket.

"Maybe it has something to do with Sapphire? Explains why he follows her around." Elijah mused. Freya nodded in agreement before something crossed her mind making her light up," What if that's why all the vampire's feel the need to protect her......her blood is like cat nip." Sapphire frowned after those words came out of her mouth.

"So you guys only keep me around because of my blood?" Instantly all the Mikaelsons we're shaking their heads. "You're apart of our family Sapphire. We would never hurt you like that." Rebecca said.

Sapphire smiled softly, but jumped when a loud voice filled the entire compound.


Marcel....the siblings made Sapphire and Harry stay put while they went downstairs. "Where's Harry? He's one of mine and I want him back." Upstairs Harry was telling Sapphire everything that was going on.
"Sorry Marcel, but Sapphire won't let that happen, believe me I've tried." Klaus mumbled the last part and Sapphire rolled her eyes. She then looked at Harry and spoke," Stay here." She commanded and he nodded.

Marcel was ready to come back at Klaus when he saw Sapphire walk down the stairs. Klaus met her half way and tried to usher her back up the stairs, but she refused. "You came here for no reason Marcel, Harry isn't going anywhere." Marvel growled before coming closer to her. The siblings got into a defensive position, ready to attack if necessary.

"He belongs to me mermaid, I don't want to have to hurt you." All the vampire's could hear her heart start racing in fear. Sapphire looked Marcel dead in the eyes and once more spoke,


Marcel roared loudly and when to push her out of the way, but before he could put a hand on her, Harry grabbed him by the neck and slammed him down leaving cracks in the floor under him. "Lay a hand on her and I'll kill you." He growled, his eyes glowing a bright green. Marcel was frozen, what his guys said was true.

"You were turned three days do you have the strength of an Original?" He asked. Sapphire went to answer, but Hayley shook her head no.

"It doesn't matter, but if you or any of your men hurt her, I'll kill every single one of you." Sapphire didn't like this side of Harry at all. Just minutes ago they were making jokes about ketchup bottles farting and now he was acting like a monster.

"How does it feel Harry? The power.....the fear. Does it feel good? You're a monster." Marcel taunted and Harry went to punch him before Sapphire grabbed his arm.
"This isn't you Harry. You're not a monster, Marcel is." Harry's eyes returned to their normal color before he started shaking. Sapphire wrapped an arm around him and led him upstairs to his room to calm him down.

Klaus looked at Marcel, "Leave."


"I'm so sorry," Harry was sitting in the floor with his back against his bed. His arms wrapped around his knees, "I don't what happened....I just got the urge to keep you that's what I'm supposed to do." Sapphire nodded slowly before hopping off the bed and sitting in front of him.

"When I first arrived here, I didn't know what The Mikaelson's were. When I found out I thought they were monsters, but I realized that they weren't going to hurt me and then I saw the human in them. The emotion and I love them all. Harry you aren't a monster, and I will never see you as that. You're my friend. Pinky promise."

Sapphire held out her pinky finger making Harry chuckle then he wrapped his pinky around hers. Outside the siblings were listening with smiles on all their faces.


"She's making vampire's stronger than they are! He's as strong as an original now!"

"No he's not. The Originals are ants compared to this kid. Get that spell finished. NOW!"

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