chapter five

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"Do you want banana milk?" Jinyoung asked while holding two bottles of banana milk.

"I prefer strawberry milk," I replied.

He mouthed an 'Okay' and grabbed a bottle of strawberry milk. We then went to the cashier with the milk and band-aids.

"Thank you for coming." The cashier said with a monotone voice. She looks like a student so she's probably just tired from school.

We bowed and said "thank you" silently as we exited the store.

The cold breeze of the air hit our faces as we went out. It felt really nice to breath fresh air. It makes me feel as if I have no worries at all. How I wish that the wind can take all my problems with it.

"Hey, Jinyoung," I called.

"Why?" He looked at me.

"I was thinking of getting a job so I can save up. Once I have enough money, I'll go look for my own place to live in." I kept my gaze forward as I spoke.

"Sure. But are you sure you'll be okay? I mean, it might be hard for you to cope with things," He said.

"I'll be fine. I thought that maybe I should open myself to the outer world now." I shifted my eyes to Jinyoung while shrugging.

"Sure. But don't rush. My doors are always open," He responded with a smile.

"Don't you miss your parents? You told me it's been a while when you last met them." Jinyoung asked after taking a sip from his banana milk.

I stopped on my tracks.

"After running away from them because of my stupid ex who promised to marry me? I don't think they'll treat me like their daughter anymore." I tried to stop the tears welling around my eyes as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I bragged about my marriage to them. I left them for my ex. They won't accept me ever again." I looked down.

Not long after, I felt arms wrap around me. I was shocked with the sudden skinship but I let it be.

"It's okay. Of course your parents will accept you. Whatever happens, they are still your parents and they love you." He whispered while running his fingers through my hair.

I looked up at him. He was looking down at me, too. Our faces were only an inch away and our noses almost touched. I quickly pulled away.

"L-let's go?" I awkwardly stuttered and he kept silent.


I sat down in front of the dresser and took out my small notebook and a pen. A lot has happened today, I thought. I started to jot down events that happened today.

June 5, 2019

Today was nice. Or at least I thought so. Jinyoung told me about his brother. It went emotional but it felt nice at the same time. I felt as if someone trusts me. Though my advices made me feel really hypocritic, at least I think it helped him. I also decided to be more open to the world. I think I'm actually getting better. I decided to work so I can provide things for myself and not burden Jinyoung anymore.


Ok, so that scene when soora and jinyoung's faces were inch apart, after soora looked up, it was in my dream ksjsksjsksjk

i dreamt of that last night so ye i decided to write it down

and sorry for the gross chapter

trouvaille | park jinyoung Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang