Chuckling, he picked it from her hand, cleaning it with a napkin that he already had. "Why won't she share with you, baby?" Standing up, he walked with her on his hip towards the kitchen to grab her a small bag for herself.

"I don't know!" Nyla's eyes went wide and she shrugged as her butt hit the counter. Opening the bag before taking one of the puffs for himself; Trevante handed them to her and the smile came back on her face.


"Mhmm." She beamed and kissed her dads chin; the small bit that she could reach.

"Don't tell your mom I gave you any before dinner okay? You gotta pinky promise me, princess." Trevante extended his large pinky towards her small one.

"Pwomise!" She giggled as he helped her down; moving towards the fridge to start taking out the food that was there for him to get ready. He knew that Ciara would be home soon to help him, but she was running a few minutes late.

Over the years, Ciara worked hard to get her interior designing business going; one that she could claim for her own. As soon as it officially started to take off, she was designing homes for the most wealthy people. Trevante knew that it was her dream job; and he supported his wife with everything she did, cause she did the same with him. They eventually realized that the time away from their kids due to both of their jobs wasn't gonna be healthy; so Trevante bit the bullet to be a stay at home dad from now on to see his wife live out her dreams. He didn't mind his job at the business that he worked for, but he knew she loved hers too much to stop.

However, there was a part of him that was bitter. Not at the fact that she was living her dreams, but at the fact that their kids had to suffer for it. Ciara was always busy and rarely had time to make it to their events or the simple things that they'd have planned. Since he grew up in a family that was close; he wanted his kids to experience the same, and it hurt him that they couldn't fully get that experience that he had growing up.

Raising the three kids wasn't always the easiest— especially since Trevor was getting older and his smart mouth would kick in more; but Trevante knew how to handle it.

It was Friday, but it was also the day that both of their parents come over for dinner. He took the steaks from the fridge to get them ready before doing the same with the vegetables, and a jar of spaghetti sauce for Nyla's food. She couldn't eat steaks like everyone else; and she would definitely try to just so she could feel older. It never lasted long.

Looking at the clock, Trevante saw that it was already 5:30. Ciara should've been home at least thirty minutes ago, and their parents would be here by at least seven to eat. One of the cons about her job was that she could be home late on a lot of occasions. She always managed to make it to every one of the kids games, concerts, or conferences; but everything else, she would be late for. Their parents would be here by six; so he was hoping she'd push through for this one.

"Need help?" Gigi asked, smiling at her dad. Trevante returned the same look, pulling her towards his side and kissing the top of her braided hair.

"You can always help. Take these and rinse them for me, then salt the water on the stove for Nyla's pasta. It's already on." He instructed her. Gigi carried her mother's exact traits. Each time he would find himself upset with Ciara, it was like Gigi had a sensor in her mind, and she'd pop up to change his mood. "How's things going at school?"

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