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as felix walks over to the café, dressed comfortably yet presentable. he listens to music during his trip, minding his own business as he simply wants to get there without any hassle. but after a short walk, he enters the café. his right hand's fingers slipping through his blonde locks as his features catch a flock of people's attention. maybe the grey cardigan was too much? the long silver cross that lays on his chest due to the chain's length and not to mention his freckles were displayed.

who couldn't resist?

but as felix makes his way to the specific table, jisung was supposedly at. it was none other than hyunjin, dressed up and was seeming to be waiting for someone.

"hyunjin?" he calls, going closer to the boy to where he's standing next to the table. hyunjin's attention is caught just like the rest, "where's jisung?"

hyunjin's eyes widen, his dumbass didn't bring seungmin? he had the expectancies that the puppy boy would come walking through the door, not felix. "oh...long story.."

"i've got time." felix states, setting his bag down on his chair as he sits. "jisung told me he was bored as hell and wanted me to come, didn't expect you here."

"i was expecting someone, but i was surprised to see it was you." hyunjin chuckles, a nervous smile appearing on his face.

"did you have a date?"

"i mean...you are my date." as hyunjin looks away, eyes avoiding felix's. he couldn't believe that jisung chose one of his closes friends!

felix's eyes widen, "oh..is this some set up? you know it isn't really a blind date when we know each other so well."

"yeah i know, but i had to help jisung pick out an outfit for his date tonight with minho. in return he told me he'd set up a date for me. once i got here, he sent you i'm guessing."

felix's mouth makes an 'o' shape, "seems like a fair deal. but did jisung really think we'd see each other in that way? i wonder if he knows i'm having complications with changbin."

"probably not. but, let's just make the time worth while." hyunjin states, not wanting jisung's thoughtful plan to crash and burn. "want a coffee? i'll pay." as the older boy stands up, "it'll be my treat since you didn't know."

felix snorts, "sure hwang, just get me whatever you're having."

"roger that." hyunjin then makes his way to the cashier yet is hit with a line of customers waiting. he shouldn't be surprised since it is a popular café. yet he wonders, why felix though? their wavelengths did seem to match, but why him out of all people jisung knew? it's not like he was complaining, more of a curious cat. today was definitely going to be easier since he knew the boy, but he still wondered.


as felix waits for hyunjin to buy their drinks, he feels a tap on his shoulder. slowly turning his body towards the mysterious person, he's hit with the stepbrothers. seungmin and hiro. "oh, hey guys."

"see, i told you it was him." hiro states, but seungmin only sighs. "i had a feeling it was you felix, but what are you doing here all alone?"

"i'm not alone." felix states, "i'm on a date. i guess you can call it a date."

"is it that one 'binnie' dude." seungmin chirps, curious of who was spending time with felix. "oo~ felix is getting a boyfriend."

"haha, very funny seungmin but it's not 'binnie', it's hyunjin." felix clears up, the boy's eyes widen right after hearing the name.

"hyunjin?" hiro clarifies, felix nods to ensure that it's true. "i didn't know you two had something going on."

"it was a set up, don't worry too much about it. but why are you guys here?"

"coffee run." the older boy tells, "we were quite busy at home so we decided to take a short break and come here. we'll be going soon though, but hope your date goes well."

"thanks." felix replies, watching the two boys leave.

as seungmin's number gets called, he shows the worker his receipt and proceeds to take their coffee. turning around to make his way to hiro, he catches hyunjin walking along a group of people. yet, it doesn't seem like the boy notices him at all.

he's on a date with felix..

he shakes the thought from his head, yet his eyes can't help but trail to hyunjin. he's walking back to their table, smiling brightly as he sits with his friend. seungmin can only swallow the lump in his throat because he knew the reason to why his relationship with hyunjin is labeled as friends is because of him. he's afraid when it comes to love, so he pushed the boy's feelings away and never allowed their relationship to grow any further.

but maybe, his silly fear will only leave himself hurt in the end. yet, he's a professional when it comes to hiding his true feelings.

just like, hyunjin.

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