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jisung had took in minho's words the day when walking home together. he had the idea of talking to seungmin about hyunjin, seungmin was the boy who was urging and highkey dying for minho and him to become friends. so he was simply, returning the favor.

once lunch time had arrived, jisung decided to isolate him and seungmin. they sat together on a bench outside of the school's building, sitting in silence as they ate. seungmin didn't understand to why jisung wanted to be alone with him, he had better things to do. once he's done chomping on his food, he turns to jisung. "so what's up?"

jisung looks at the boy with his puffed up cheeks, "I want to help you."

seungmin furrows his brows, not understanding the boy correctly. "excuse me? help me with what? the only person who can help me in this treacherous world is myself."

"seungmin, you literally annoyed me with minho everyday and look where we are now. him and I are good friends." jisung explains, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I want to help you now!"

"I don't hate anyone for their looks though?"

"no, I want to get you a boyfriend!" jisung says with a bright smile, "and guess what, he's a keeper." (stan the boyz)

"jisung, that's real nice of you but I don't need a boyfriend." seungmin tells with a reassuring smile, "school and love don't mix well. with relationships you tend you focus on them more rather than what you need to get done. I can't risk that."

"seungmin! you're a smart boy though, I know you can handle it!"

"jisung, who even is this person?"

"hyunijn." the squirrel boy flatly tells, "I know, you're probably thinking, what? but you guys seem like a great couple and—"

"just stop." seungmin cuts off, "I know you're trying to help but I don't want a relationship with hyunjin. I can say, he's a sweet guy and definitely boyfriend material, but I don't want to date him."

"I'm not forcing you to! you guys just look well together."

"ever heard that the perfect matches are the reasons to why they go up in flames? it's scary to how perfectly people can be for each other, it'll all collapse in the end."

"but seungmin—"

seungmin stands up from his seat, brushing the crumbs that have fallen onto his lab. he gives jisung a small smile, "thanks for trying to help. but hyunjin deserves better." is what he finally says before walking away.

jisung is left on the bench by himself, his plan not working as well as he thought it would. he groans, "that was a big fail.."

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