Jennie Knows

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Jennie's POV

(after Lisa carried her into her apartment)

I opened my eyes as I heard Lisa left my room. I can't believe she carried me all the way up here. Wasn't she tired? I smiled remembering how her hands under my legs didn't even touch me a bit, she balled them up while her wrist was supporting my thighs, some manner hands those are.

"Sit down please Lisa." I hear my mom ask.

"Yes, Mrs. Kim?" It's getting late, Lisa should go home already.

"You've been hanging around with Jennie a lot lately." I was about to open my door, but paused as my mother asked about me.

"Yes I have, is there a problem?"

"No, I'm glad she's made a new friend."

"Me too,"

"Do you like her?"

What? Why did my mom ask that question?

"Yes ma'am, she's a good friend." My face fell as I heard what Lisa said. I didn't want to hear more of the conversation, I drag my legs towards my bed.

"No, I'm asking if you romantically like her." I stopped on my tracks, "she's different with you than her other friends Lisa." I waited for Lisa's answer. My heart beating madly. I got the feelings again. The fluttery sensation in my stomach.

"I mean-" Lisa was cut off.

"You can tell me, I'm not gonna stop you from liking her, I just wanna know." I was surprised my mother said that. I really wanted to know Lisa's answer. I leaned my ear as close to the door as possible

"I have started to develop feelings for her ma'am, or Mrs. Kim."

What? Lisa likes me? I didn't know what to think or say. Should I just pretend I don't know the next time I see her? I'm not gonna lie, I think I'm starting to feel the same way about her too, but I'm-there's this feeling...of being...scared? I don't know. The rest of their conversation was drowned out by my thinking, should I try to work it out with her?

I held my hands to my heart, it hasn't been this fast since I first laid eyes on her. She pulled me in deeper with the way she moves swiftly on the field. The best striker in my opinion.

I shake my head, remembering how my heart fluttered when we held hands at the park. I immediately called Jisoo. One ring, two ring, and she picked up.

"What~" she sounded groggy.

"Were you sleeping?"

"No, Jennie." A hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"It's important."

"I know, otherwise, you wouldn't have called me," she paused, "at 12:32 IN THE MORNING?!" She yelled into the phone. I didn't know it was this late or early?

"My heart fluttered Chu." I simply say.

"Who could it be?" I hear her move around the bed on the other line. "Let me guess, Lalisa Manoban?" I gasp.

"How did you know?" I was genuinely confused.

"Girl, she was all you could talk about every time we hang out. Lisa this, Lisa that, Lisa is the best player on our team." She mocked me.


"Is that all you wanted to say to me? That your heart fluttered?"

"I overheard her and my mother's conversation."

"And..." she waited for me to continue.

"She said she started to develop feelings for me."

"REALLY? To your mother?"

"Yeah, she kinda piggy backed me all the way to my apartment."

"Wife her up, Jennie."


"If you don't, I will."


"Kidding, kidding, see? Other girls are going to steal her if you don't wife her up right now, I'm just giving you a heads up."

"I don't know what I feel."

"You know what you feel, you're just afraid, so I'm telling you to wife her up already."

"Oh my god, Chu, stop with that already."

"I'm sure Lisa will ask you anytime soon, I mean she already told your mother, your father was there too?"

"Yeah, even said something about me and my mother being a heartbreaker."

"See? She was brave enough to tell your parents, I'm pretty sure, she'll come around and say something to you."


"Jendeuk, I'm sleepy~"

"Fine~" I dragged out the word

"Goodnight, love you~"

"Goodnight, love you too." I hear the line is cut.

I lay down on my bed, I really do like Lisa, I'm gonna have to not be scared of my feelings. Jisoo was right, she told my parents already, she's gonna tell me soon. You would think it would be the other way around. Lisa, I'll wait for you, if you don't tell me, I'll be the one to tell you then.

I look at the time. 1:16. Time to sleep. Good thing it's a Saturday tomorrow.



Curse you!!! I bet you're sleeping all soundly making me think about you late at night. Or early in the morning? WHATEVER! I still like you though... :*

I eventually got tired of monologuing, finally drifting off to sleep.

A/N - Hello Loves, here's another update for you guys, hope you enjoy and thanks for 50+ 👀 love you all!

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