Walk Home

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Lisa's POV

I see her every practice, dedicated, I thought. Since I'm a coward, I don't get to have many interactions with Jennie, but Chaeyoung has been following me ever since the day she introduced herself to me. I'm kinda glad. I don't talk to many people and I'm growing fond of her.

"Let's go play!" Chaeyoung dragged me up, making me lose my train of thought.

"Ladies, as you all know, we have our first game tomorrow, so let's practice to the best of our abilities. AHJA!" Coach gave us a pep talk.

"AHJA!!!" All the lady soccer players cheered.

After practice ended, I walked home as usual, but I got a feeling that someone was following me this time. I got scared so, I picked up my pace. My legs were hurting, but anything to get away from this ominous feeling.

"Wait!" I heard a soft yell.

I slowed down and hesitantly turned around. Oh.


"Can we go home together? My ride can't pick me up this time."

"Of course!" I enthusiastically replied. She jogged up next to me.

It was an awkward atmosphere as we were not close friends, and also due to the fact that my heart is racing a million times because of a profound infatuation I have for her. I fidgeted with my duffel bag that carried my extra gears. Subtly glancing at her side view from time to time.

"We've been walking for a while now, how far is your house?" She broke the silent ambiance.

"I'll walk you to your house first, my home is further that way." I already passed my house couple minutes ago, I just didn't want to...be far from her yet? It's just, it's not everyday, you get to walk Jennie Kim home.

"How was practice?"

"Tiring." But not tiring enough to not walk you home.

"Tough, isn't it." She tiptoed and brushed her shoulders against mine.

"Ow-" we both said at the same time, there was that electric shock again.

"Seems like static friction is getting at us huh," she let out the most angelic, soft laugh I heard.

Or the love of shock? I shake my head at that thought. Smiling to the ground.

"Penny for your thoughts?"


"Well, you're smiling to the floor, it's weirding me out a little."

I muster up the courage to look up and as I did, met with the most soft, cat-like eyes. Wrong move. I was lost in a trance. My eyes moved on their own, onto her cheeks, fluffy, like...like...a mandu. I looked back to her eyes, I was pulled into it. I couldn't look away, the deep brown orbs that lured me in more. The sparkling light reflecting looked as though stars were there, and I was gazing at the universe, just through those small almond shaped eyes. The natural curves of her lashes, with a small mole right in between her eyes and brows. I was drawn to them like moths to the light.

"Eh hem." She faked a cough.

I hadn't realized I slowed down my pace and stopped walking as I looked fixedly at her. As if the time froze, as I did.

"Sorry, I-"

"No need to apologize, I know I'm pretty." I laugh at that sentence and started to walk again. We made some turns and she stopped walking.

"We're here."

She turned to me and looked down. She held the strap of her duffel bag, fidgeting with it in an up-down motion.

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