I miss you

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I've been home now for two weeks, Landon hasn't texted me at all. I can't help but feel heartbroken, I still don't understand all of this. I've been talking to the girls a lot and they tell me he's been shutting everybody out and just getting drunk and high all the time. I mean I worry about him, I hope he doesn't get himself into any sort of trouble especially on tour.

I've been spending most of my days in bed eating ice cream, crying and watching Netflix. I thought today I'd try and go out maybe get a coffee and for a walk through the park or something.

I got out of bed making my way to the bathroom turning the shower on, I got my speaker Turing my playlist on shuffle. I got into the shower letting the hot water relax my body immediately. I lathered the vanilla shampoo in my hair as Drive my car came on, my heart dropped. I quickly rinsed the shampoo out and got out turning off my music.

Landon P.O.V

I ran off stage done my set and sat down on the couch immediately lighting a blunt and nursing some vodka in a red solo cup. Ever since Saje left the guilt of lying to her has been eating me up inside and the only way to numb the pain is to just get faded every night.

My phone went off and the girls name came up again. I thought breaking up with Saje would satisfy her enough and have Saje safe from the unnecessary blackmail this random girl has been threatening me with. My reputation is at stake and I couldn't get Saje mixed up in the backlash I'm gonna get from what I have to do. The only one that knows anything is Cameron cause I didn't want him slapping me when he found out about me and Saje breaking up. I juts hope that when all of this is over Saje and I can go back to normal if she still wants me. 

"Yo Landon why don't you slow down on the Vodka yeah?" Katie says.

Katie has been making sure I don't do too many stupid things and has kind of been looking out for me recently.

I just stayed Wiley and put the bottle down inhaling my blunt. Tour ends in 2 months, thank god. I mean don't get me wrong I love doing shows and seeing different cities and countries but I just want to be home and not do anything for a couple days. And be with Saje, but that won't be happening for awhile.

My phone went off again, this time it was another video clip from that night. She's been sending them in different parts and making me do stuff to earn the other half's of the videos. Fucking bitch. I made sure no one was around me and the volume was done as I watched myself in the video. I felt like vomiting, how could I be so reckless although to be fare I didn't know I would be famous and that this could come back to bite me in the ass. And I don't like being bit in the ass. I wonder if Saje would let me bite her ass? Wait that's weird. Fuck what am I doing?

Sajes P.O.V

I was sat at the coffee shop for about two hours now and editing some montages from tour. There was a video I came across of me and Landon high out of our minds one night in the hotel room trying to do Tik Tok dances, I watched it 10 times. I miss him so much, his soft pink lips, his chubby but toned stomach, his long hair that looks better than mine, the way he called me 'Baby'. I felt a tear slowly fall down my face and I wiped it away before anyone could see.

I decided to leave a little bit after that and take a walk down at the park, the flowers were all in bloom and the wind slightly blew the tree leaves creating a nice breeze. I contemplated texting Landon, if I did my sanity would be thrown out the window but at this point I don't care I love him and I'm not just gonna sit here and let him walk away.

Text message to

I miss you...

M Y   D R U G🌹🖤// LANDON CUBE Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin