Trust me

501 14 3

I turn around and Landon is literally strangling this dude. I didn't know what to do.

I got up to try and pull Landon off of him but he wouldn't budge.

"Landon Stop!" I yelled.

He started to throw punches to the guys face now covered in blood, holy shit this is all my fault.

"Don't ever fucking touch my girl again" Landon yelled in his face.

Landon gave him one more hard punch to the nose probably breaking it before getting off of him as the guy groaned on the ground.

"Landon bro what the fuck" Johnny and skies came up to us confused.

They looked to the guy and then to me and Landon and then to the guy again waiting for someone to say something.

"What happened" Emma asked.

Landon looked at me with the most hurt face ever and I swear I could have cried and begged on my knees for his forgiveness with this look. He raised his eyebrows waiting for me to explain but I couldn't, I opened my mouth but nothing could come out. I was so insecure about the fact that he could possibly be talking to another girl i had to lash out and now I've hurt him.

"Whatever Saje, fuck this" and with that he had left the area and was devoured into the crowd.

I felt a single tear slip from my eye as I quickly tried to wipe it away, I grabbed my shit and begun to walk out before Emma and Katie stopped me.

"What the fuck happened Saje" Katie said.

"He wouldn't answer me okay!" I yelled, she let go of my arm.

I put my face in my hands before continuing.

"He wouldn't answer me when I asked about that girl and I'm pretty sure he wants her and is cheating on me so you know me and my smart thoughts decided to make him equally as mad" I let out.

"Saje what the fuck what if he's not cheating on you and now you've messed things up" Katie said.

I let a tear leave my eye at the thought of me and Landon not being together.

"I have to go find him" my drunk ass said.

I stumbled through the crowd whipping my head to look in both directions to find him. The girls followed me, I didn't even realize the boys left I guess they went after Landon too.



I was pushing past people trying to get out of this club, I can't believe she let that guy be all over her. And for what? Because I didn't tell her about the girl texting my phone? Maybe if she trusted me everything would be fine.


"Landon Stop!" Skies and Johnny we're suddenly in front of me now stopping me from continuing down the side walk in front of the club.

"What?!" I snapped.

They looked taken aback and I quickly regretted snapping at them and relaxed.

"Dude what the fuck is going on?" Johnny asked.

I rolled my eyes trying to get past them so I could go back to the Hotel.

"Landon just chill okay?"

I turned around to face them again.

"I was texting this girl and Saje saw the name on my phone which had a heart emoji" I admitted.

Skies just put his hands over his face in frustration.

"Please tell me you're not cheating on her" Skies asked.

"No! I swear I'm not cheating on her, but she doesn't trust me" I said.

"Well fuck Landon I wouldn't either if I saw that, so who is she why are you even talking to her" Johnny said.

I looked off to the side, I feel bad for not saying anything but I can't. No one can find out.

"I can't say" I said.

"Well no shit Saje was all over that other guy you're acting like an idiot" Skies said.

"Shut the fuck up man she's my girl and she shouldn't be all over dudes just because I-"

"Landon!" I heard Saje in the distance.

I saw Saje running to me from behind Skies and Johnny. Her beautiful long curly hair flowing in the wind and her perfect body bouncing lightly with each step.

The boys moved out of the way right as Saje and I came face to face. I could see her tear stained cheeks glistening with the moonlight.

"Landon I'm sorry okay I was just mad and I wanted to make you mad but it wasn't right of me. Okay? I'm sorry I love you he meant nothing to me. Can you just please forgive me Landon I'm sorry" she spilled out.

I looked at her, she was begging me with her eyes. And even though she didn't say it I knew that she needed me to tell her about this girl, that I didn't cheat on her and what is actually going on. But I can't. Maybe I'm asking for too much, I just need her to trust me without me having to say anything but that's selfish of me especially with how sus I've been about it how could she trust me, the boys were right.

"It's okay" I said softly.

She furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's it?"

"It's okay I don't care I understand why you did it" I said.

Her face suddenly turned blank. She looked off to the side before looking straight past me and walking down the street. What is she doing?

"Where are you going?" I asked catching up to her.

Everyone else stayed behind giving us our space as I chased after her.

"Come on don't be like this just stop" I said.

She whipped around suddenly getting in my face.

"No you stop Landon! You fucking stop, you're driving me crazy with this whole girl situation and I need to know what the fuck is up with her or you're going to push me away" she said.

"It's not like that baby, but I can't tell you at least not yet okay so you just have to trust that I'm being loyal to you because I don't want anyone else Saje. I'm so fucking in love with you that it hurts. When I see you I get nervous still and I always want to be around you. And if I ever lost you I would die because I can't fucking live without you so baby just please trust me okay? Trust me." I let a tear slip from my eyes staring at her with desperation.

She was crying too. She stepped in front of me putting our foreheads together as she gently grabbed my face with both hands. I closed my eyes trying to not cry even more.

"I trust you..." she said breathlessly.

I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her as close as possible to my body our lips grazed each other before they touched, it was a long sensual kiss telling us everything will be okay.

Or at least I hope it will.


Hey sisters, so what do y'all think Landon is hiding with this girl??

Do you think he's cheating on Saje?

Anyway don't forget to vote on the chapters my lovely's and stay tuned for another chapter coming soon.

Also I didn't edit this so don't @ me at any mistakes

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