chapter four

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Taehyung didn't remember anything about the car ride last night, which was great. Jimin could barely look at him or Bogum, who was showing Taehyung extra love today. This morning was extra sickening to Jimin. He had to watch his brother and the man he started to love feel up all over each other.

Jimin sighs and stands up. He didn't even touch his breakfast. He walks out of the room without a word and went up to his office. He had a meeting in a few minutes.

Bogum had made sure to keep Taehyung away from curious eyes. He didn't want anyone to know that Taehyung was there and vice versa. Taehyung would ask who all these people were, and Bogum would have no answer.

"So, how about we take a stroll in the garden?"

Taehyung's eyes light up and he nods. "That sounds great."

As the two lovers walk around outside, Jimin was in his office, going over a deal. From his desk, he could look out to the garden. He spots Bogum and Taehyung and feels his blood start to boil. Jimin wants Taehyung. He wants to take him away from Bogum. His brother was a liar, and Jimin didn't like seeing him drag Taehyung along.

"Sir? Is everything alright?"

Jimin looks at his client and clears his throat. "Yes, sorry."

They continue to talk over the deal for hours. Jimin was getting more and more annoyed with each passing minute.

He manages to live through the meeting, shaking hands with the man on his way out. The end up passing by Bogum and Taehyung and Jimin leads him to the door. The man stops and bows his head to Bogum. "Mr. Park. When did you get home?"

Bogum shot a nervous glance to Taehyung before smiling at the man. "Not too long ago, sir.. It was nice to see you again." He grabs Taehyung's arm and starts to pull him away.

"What was that all about?" Taehyung asked.



A few days later, Taehyung was out with Jungkook and Hoseok. Bogum stays at home with Jimin, who was currently in a meeting.

"Mr. Park. You have a visitor."

Bogum looks up at the servant in the doorway and sighs, standing up. "Alright. I'll be down in a second." The servant nods and talks away.

Bogum fixes his clothes and hair, wondering who would be here for him. He walks down the stairs and stops when he enters the living room. Seoyoon was standing by the window with a glass of wine in her hand.

"I haven't been here in so long." She looks over at Bogum with a small smile. "You look nice."

Bogum couldn't help himself. He takes a few strides towards Seoyoon and pulls her into his arms, kissing her deeply. Seoyoon smirks and kisses him back. This is exactly what she wanted to happen. She breaks the kiss and looks into his eyes. "I knew you missed me."

"There was never a moment I didn't think about you."

"Really?" Seoyoon sips on her wine as she sits down. "Not even when you proposed to Taehyung?"

Bogum takes in a sharp breath and looks down in shame. "Honestly? Even then..."

"Wow, do you even love him?"

Bogum stayed silent. Did he really? Seeing Seoyoon again made him rethink his feelings about Taehyung.

Seoyoon scoffs and sets down her glass. "Bogum. You really are an idiot. How could you marry someone and love someone else?"

"I wanted to marry you..." Bogum sits down beside her. "You know that... But I met Taehyung and it was like a new light was in my world."

Seoyoon frowned and grabbed Bogum's chin. "But you love me."

Bogum looked helplessly into her eyes. "I do..."

"You can't love two people."

"I know."

"Then you have to choose."

It was silent for a few moments. Bogum couldn't resist. He leans in and kisses Seoyoon again.

They sit there for a while, making up for lost time. Seoyoon couldn't help but laugh to herself. She didn't love Bogum, but she would love to see him lose another love. She would ruin his life.

They change positions after a while with Bogum on top of her. They were so into it that they didn't hear Jimin saying his final words to his client. Once the door was closed, he glances into the living room and goes tense.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Bogum moves off of Seoyoon who was just smirking to herself. His hair was a mess and there was lipstick smeared over his mouth. Bogum looked like he was going to cry. "Jimin... Please don't tell Taehyung."

Jimin scoffs and shakes his head. "I can't believe you." He storms over and grabs Seoyoon's arm, yanking her off the couch and onto the floor. "Get the hell out of here!"

Seoyoon huffs and rushes out the door, Bogum stares after her in despair.

"You really are incompetent. You have a fiance! You have a good life! Why are you ruining it?"

"Jimin, you don't understand..."

"Tell me what I don't understand, Bogum."

"I love her... Okay? And I love Taehyung, I really do... But I love her."

Jimin scoffs and turns away for a moment before turning back around to sock Bogum in the jaw. "I won't tell him about what happened.. That's your responsibility.." Jimin walks away, leaving Bogum with a bruised jaw and a broken heart.

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