chapter three

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After a week of living together, Jimin and Taehyung started to grow close, much to Bogum's distaste. He was worried that Jimin would possibly come clean about his past.

They decided to go out for drinks one night, inviting Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook to come as well. The night was going well with everyone cooing over Taehyung and how cute he was. Jimin just sits back and stares at the boy. Bogum catches his gaze and shifts uncomfortably. Jimin practically had hearts in his eyes, even though he probably didn't realize it.

Everyone else did though, well, except for Taehyung.

As the boys were talking, a woman walked up and stood next to Bogum. "I didn't know you were back in town."

Everyone looks at her and seem to tense up. Taehyung just sat there, wondering who she was and why everyone else was shooting him weird glances.

Bogum was stunned silent. Right in front of him was the woman who he once and still does love. The one who broke his heart. "Seoyoon... What are you doing here?" He quickly stands up. It was obvious that he was nervous.

"I heard a rumor that the eldest Park brother was in town and had to see for myself." She smirks up at him. Taehyung shifts in his seat. He could feel the energy between them. "So, what brought you back?"

"Well... My fiance wanted to visit."

Bogum saw something shift in her eyes. Surprise. Sadness. Anger probably? She suddenly laughs and places her hand on his chest. "Oh, Bogum. You know you were never good at jokes."

Taehyung waits for Bogum to move her hand away, but he just watches as her hand starts to move lower. Bogum wasn't saying anything. He huffs and grabs the shot Namjoon was pouring for himself, swallowing it in one go. He slams the glass down on the table and that seems the shake Bogum out of his trance. He gently pushes her hand away and turns his gaze towards Taehyung. "This is my fiance. Taehyung, this is Seoyoon... She's an old friend."

Seoyoon's eyes narrow as she looks down at Taehyung but then she smirks. "This was not expected." She flips her hair over her shoulder and spots the ring on Taehyung's finger, causing her to scoff. "Really Bogum? You couldn't even get a new ring?"

Taehyung looks between them in confusion and notices that Bogum had gone tense. "What is she talking about?"

"Hey, Taehyung! Come dance with me!" Jungkook suddenly stands up, trying to avert his attention.

"I think that's a great idea. Why don't we all go dance?" Namjoon stands up as well. They both stare at him nervously.

"I will in a second." Taehyung smiles at them before turning back to his fiance.

"Oh? Bogum never told you?" She laughs and crosses her arms. "He proposed to me a little over a year ago. That's why he left." She leans in a bit. "And that's the same ring he used."

Taehyung sat there for a moment and takes a deep breath. "Well, thank you for turning him down."

She looks shocked. "What? Why?"

"Because, " Taehyung smiles, "if you didn't turn him down then I would have never met him. Now I get to marry him next month."

Seoyoon rolls her eyes and steps away. "Whatever." She turns to Bogum. "Make sure to call me sometime."

Taehyung watches Bogum as Bogum watches Seoyoon walk away. He could see the look in Bogum eyes and his heart was about to shatter. It was obvious. Bogum was still in love with her. Pushing back his tears, Taehyung stands up and grabs both jungkook and Namjoon's hands, pulling them out to the dancefloor.

"Could you be any more obvious?"

Bogum looks down at Jimin who was scowling. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean, is that it's obvious you still have feelings for her."

Bogum sighs and sits down. "What do I do? I love Taehyung. I really do."

Jimin chews on his lip as he stares at his brother. He sighs and holds out a shot. "Just don't give into temptation. You have something good, don't ruin it."

"How are you feeling?"

Taehyung looks over his shoulder at Namjoon. He was currently sandwiched in between Namjoon and Jungkook.

"As good as I can feel after meeting my fiance's ex."

Jungkook chuckles and grabs his hips. "Don't worry over it, Tae. Bogum is over her big time."

Taehyung sighs and lays his head on Jungkook's shoulder. "I hope you're right."

The three of them were already pretty tipsy. Taehyung didn't care about Bogum seeing him grind against two guys. He just wanted to let go for the moment.

Jungkook had brought a bottle onto the dancefloor and the three of them were sharing it. After a while, they were practically having a threesome on the dancefloor. Taehyung felt lips on the back of his neck and let out a small moan. "Namjoon... I'm a taken man."

Jungkook chuckles into Taehyung's ear. "You need to forget tonight. Trust us. We won't do anything. Besides, Bogum isn't even here anymore."

Taehyung looks over and Jungkook was right, Bogum wasn't there. He sighs and leans back against Namjoon. Fuck it, he could enjoy himself.

After another hour of dancing, they finally got tired. Jimin didn't drink much so he decided to take Taehyung home.

"Where's Bogum?" Taehyung asked as Jimin buckled him in. His speech was slurred and he could barely keep his head up.

"He took Hoseok to his house and then headed home." Jimin slid into the driver's seat and started up the car.

"He's too sweet." Taehyung was giggling quietly. "I sure am lucky, huh?"

Jimin stays silent as he drives. Taehyung continues to babble, his mind changing subjects every sentence. Jimin couldn't help but smile. He was so cute. As much as he didn't want Taehyung to marry Bogum, he didn't want him to get hurt.

They stop at a red light and Taehyung turns to face Jimin. "Jimin-ie... You're so handsome. And so kind. Did you know that?"

Jimin clears his throat and reaches out to place his hand on Taehyung's knee. "You're talking about yourself Taehyung."

The younger giggles and rests his head back. Jimin bites his lips and slowly moves his hand high. Taehyung shifts in his seat and lets out a small noise. Jimin sneaks a glance down and bites his lip. Maybe it was because he was drunk, but Taehyung was excited. Jimin clears his throat and starts to drive when the light turns green. He keeps his hand on Taehyung's thigh, rubbing and kneading his inner thigh.

This was wrong and Jimin knows it, but he couldn't help himself. Taehyung was just so perfect. Bogum didn't deserve him. Jimin huffs and moves his hand over Taehyung's crotch. Taehyung let's out a moan. His eyes were closed and he leans over to lay his head on Jimin's shoulder. Jimin gently palmed over him, loving the small noises in his ear.

"Mm... I love you, Bogum."

And with that, Jimin yanks his hand away. What the hell was he thinking? Taehyung whines at the loss of touch but just snuggles his head in the crook of Jimin's neck. He places a few small kisses over his skin before finally passing out. Jimin takes a few deep breaths, his heart was racing. He knew he was in too deep now.

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