~Chapter 10~ Bad Thoughts

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Mark paced back and forth for so long he had lost track of the time, he was slilently crying as he thought about how he could make it up to Sean. He couldn't help but dwell on his bad thoughts for longer than needed.

A voice sounded in the back of his head "what is your problem mark? He doesn't love you and he never did!" Mark shook his head "no, we're in love, we always have been!" The voice laughed icily "NO! It's a LIE! How could you believe the little bug mark? You're better than this, stronger than this! Get your revenge! Hurt him!!" Mark screamed "NO! I could never hurt Sean, I love him so much more than you could ever understand... DARK"

Mark ran out the door, running aimlessly to try and find Sean, he had to find Sean, before the bad thoughts started. He had to get to Sean first, he had to.

~Seans Pov~

I was at the old house, the one my father lived in, it was empty these days but its still home to me, even if there are no pleasant memories here it's still home. I'm crying, not because I'm sad or hurt, not because I'm angry, but because it's all I can do right now, I miss him but he thinks I hate him now.

I pull my knees up to my chest and begin to drift off when I hear the voice "you are worthless to him, he hates you! He never loved you! How could he? You are a pathetic little bug Sean!" I shake my head and scream "NO! He loves me, he has to... Doesn't he?" I cried a little more, marks blue hoodie now soaked, wait? Marks hoodie? I look up to see marks kind face staring down at me.

"Sean, I love you... So much" I cover my mouth as I sob loudly "I.. I love you to marky" I hug him tightly, too scared to let go ever again. Mark strokes my hair softly, his soft lips press against my cold forehead.

I'm whole again.

~Marks pov~

Still running aimlessly I stumble upon Sean's father's house, I hear sobbing and a muffled conversation, one of the voices sounds like Sean. I rush I and see Sean hugging... Me? I run over and pull the man off of Sean, I look him in the eye and say "get the fuck off my boyfriend you asshole!!" He just grins and spits on me.

I look over to see Sean curled in a ball crying his eyes out, I sigh sadly "Sean, it's okay, I'm the real mark, I need to deal with him" I gesture at the other me.

I began to punch the other me, his nose starting to bleed rather quickly, I suddenly felt very ill, I also felt immense amounts of pain, this shocked me as I had not previously been feeling sick or injured myself in any way prior to this point in time.

~Seans Pov~

I watched as mark beat himself up, I was terrified, I didn't know who was who, or even why this whole situation was happening. The mark being beaten had strangely emotionless eyes, almost as if he lacked a soul.

I just wanted things to go back to normal. "JACKY! Things will never be normal again! Not as long as I'm here! HahAhaHahAhaH!"  I shook my head vigorously "get the hell out of my head!! You are a menace... ANTI"

I could feel a panic attack coming, I began to shake and cry, curling into a protective ball, tugging at my yellowish-green mop of hair. I sobbed loudly, convulsing as I went into full panic mode.

I hear faint footsteps and a muffled voice, I saw his red hair and chocolate brown eyes, the last thing I heard him say before I passed out was "Jack? Are you okay? Please talk to me! I.. I love you Jack... So much" I could hear the pain and sadness in his voice, I smiled weakly before passing out completely.

A/N: hey guys! So as you can see, this chapter is... Interesting... I got inspiration for this while watching the mortal instruments, I'm actually quite proud of this one, the pov style changed a bit in this chapter but I reckon I pulled it off... I'm glad you are enjoying this so far, thank you for reading this book and voting! It means alot to me that so many of you actually enjoy what I write, I hope to get closer to finishing this book in the next month or two, I can't wait for the sequel and I can't wait for you guys to join me there! Well that's all for now, but remember, PMA! And as always! I will see you guys in the next chapter!! Buh-Byeee!!!


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