~Chapter 7~ The best week of my life

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|TRIGGER WARNING!!!!| contains self-harm, straight smut, depression and alludes to death

Jack yawned and awoke in marks arms, he smiled as he nuzzled into his sleeping boyfriend. He began to doze off when mark awoke with a jolt, hugging jack tightly as the irishman giggled "mark stop! It tickles!" He shouted through fits of giggles. Mark chuckled and released jack, kissing him softly as he got up to put some comfy clothes on. Jack followed in marks lead, putting a green haired unicorn onesie on 'cause its comfy' as jack would say.

Mark walked into the kitchen and started to make jacks favorite chocolate chip cookie pancakes with chocolate drizzle. He made jack a big plate and handed it to him with a smile on his face. Jack took the pancakes and shoveled them into his mouth, smiling at mark as he did so. Mark watched jack while eating his own small plate of pancakes, a small smile on his face as he watched his boyfriend.

Jack finished off his pancakes and proceeded to climb all over mark, giggling childishly as he does so "i wan' piggy back marki!" He shouts right in marks ear, mark chuckles "okay baby boy, climb on" jack giggles and climbs onto marks back, his arms wrapped tightly around marks neck.

Mark ran around the house, both him and jack laughing and screaming at the top of their lungs happily. Mark plops onto the couch, cuddling jack as he did so, the both of them panting heavily and smiling widely "fank you daddy marki" jack giggled and buried his head into marks chest "anything for you baby boy, i love you jacki"

Mark carried jack to the bedroom and proceeded to dress jack in his clothes, ready for their big day out. Mark giggled as jack slipped a white and mint green flower crown on to compliment his pastel mint green hoodie, white high tops and pastel blue jeans, a big smile covering the irishmans face. Jack was also wearing neko ears the same shade of green as his hair, he was sooo freakin' adorable!

Mark held his hand out for sean, the smaller male took it and mark lead him out to the car, himself wearing a black PMA hoodie over the same septiceye shirt jack was wearing, black ripped jeans and high tops finishing off his outfit, he had also slipped on a black and red flower crown, smiling softly at his adorable boyfriend. He buckled sean into the passenger side and climbed into the drivers seat, grinning at sean as he kickstarted the car, pulling out of the driveway slowly and heading towards their destination, still grinning at jack.

Mark pulled into the parking lot of an amusement park, universal studios orlando, the two had recently flown to orlando to stay at marks holiday home, hoping to make the upcoming week the best one sean had ever seen. Mark exited the car and helped jack out, holding his hand firmly so as not to lose him, they walked up to the ticket booth and bought two tickets, they instantly headed towards the harry potter section. They were staring up at the magnificent castle when there was a small voice from behind them "uh.. hi.. mark? Jack?" They turned around to see a small boy who looked about 12ish but sounded atleast 17, they smiled and said "hi, whats your name?" The boy looked up at them and stuttered out "K-Kade, sir" mark chuckled "no need for the formalities, say how old are you? You look 12ish but sound 17" Kade giggled shyly "im actually 18 today" mark grinned and walked over to the boy, wrapping him in a warm bear hug "happy birthday bud" sean giggled and said "happy birfday Kade" Kade smiled and hugged sean as well, smiling largely. Mark thought for a second then grinned, he had a great idea. He turned to Kade and smirked "say, how would you like to hang out with us today? Ya know, I'll even buy you a present if ya want" Kade was speechless for a moment before he managed to stutter out "s-sure b-but you d-dont have t-to buy me anything h-honest" mark just grinned and said "my treat.." taking hold of seans hand once more, sean took ahold of Kade's hand with his own, causing the young boy to blush slightly.

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