Remember Him

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(i found this song after writing the alternate timeline and it's just too perfect–you'll see)

Frisk hugged themself as Papyrus carried them back up the mountain. It was much slower without Sans teleportation, but Papyrus had long strides and was making quick time. Maybe Frisk would appreciate it more if they weren't so unsettled.

"WE'RE–HUFF–ALMOST THERE!" Papyrus kept going at breakneck speed, likely trying to distract himself from the previous events. Frisk only snuggled farther into the red scarf, closing their eyes when the wind became too much.

Soon they reached where the barrier once was, and Papyrus took a deep breath before returning inside. Monsters had blocked it off, only a hidden door allowing entry.

Frisk remembered telling the monsters to do that. Humans setting up tourist spots flooded the underground and took all the gold before monsters could use it for themselves. Monsters had no money, unlike this timeline, where Frisk made sure everyone could stand on their own two feet (unless they didn't have feet).

Papyrus felt along the wall with his free hand, his eye glowing orange to shed light in the dark cavern. It wasn't long before he found the small door. Quickly, Papyrus pushed it open with the needed effort and slipped through before it closed on itself. A loud slam echoed, and Frisk flinched harshly.

Without stopping, Papyrus continued to sprint along the empty underground. Through the throne room, the Core, Hotlands, Waterfall, then back to Snowdin. Frisk shivered slightly. They reached the house and Papyrus didn't really think before slamming open the door.

"Duck!" Frisk said and felt Papyrus drop, a sharp bone narrowly missing his skull. Frisk turned back to the inside of the house, seeing strange structures erected from the ground and a deep purple smoke in the air. It was hard to breathe.

"SANS?" Papyrus cautiously stepped inside, eyes peeled for anymore attacks. There was a whimper from farther into the room. Papyrus closed the door, keeping a tight hold on Frisk. "WE'VE BROUGHT THE MEDICINE."

Frisk could make out shapes in the smoke. Papyrus walked forward, hesitant when pressure made it harder to do so. Frisk narrowed their eyes, seeing a bright light. They motioned Papyrus toward it, and he nodded. He stalked toward the source of light, and Frisk shook the bottle of medicine.

"IT'S RIGHT HERE!" Papyrus said. He moved forward more until stopping behind pillars of bones. It was in a circular pattern, surrounding none other than Sans himself. "SANS–Sans, could you let us in? So we can give this to you?" Papyrus lowered his voice to a gentle tone.

Frisk still couldn't see well, but when Sans turned his head around...

Papyrus went ridged and Frisk clapped a hand over their own mouth. A bright red eye light stared back, the only visible feature through the thick smoke. Frisk, despite shaking, reached out the hand holding the medication. Sans didn't blink.

"H–Here." Frisk kept their hand out, waiting for the skeleton to take it. Papyrus was breathing unevenly. Sans showed no sign of movement. "W–We'll...we'll leave a–a–after..." Frisk grimaced.

The bottle in their hand lit up a deep purple. It lifted from their hand and levitated over the defensive structure. He didn't look away from Papyrus or Frisk. Papyrus nervously stepped back, "S–SEE YOU LATER!" Papyrus spun on his heel and bolted up the stairs, reaching his room and closing the door frantically behind himself.


Then there was silence.


i won't let you leave me【Yandere!Sans x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now