You think he's unstable(unhinged)

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(this fic is not dusttale-but the theme is too perfect)

Waking up to random laughing wasn't your average morning. Or, night, you realized from the lack of light in the room. Blearily opening your eyes, you felt around while figuring out where you were.

"Am I dead yet?" You murmured to yourself half-jokingly, wondering why you were somewhere you didn't recognize.



Wait. You weren't at your place.

And you weren't dead.

Oh shit-WAIT-you remembered.

You were wide awake now, especially after making eye contact with your soulmate again. Sans was sitting across from you on the couch, eyes wide and jaw slack.

You felt dread crawl up your spine.

Oh shit oh shit. How do you get out of this? Cover it up? He was really pitiful right now; eye lights shaking so quickly they became fuzzy.

How could you forget? Literally, the only rule was not to mention you dying, and the first thing you say is just that

"Oh, I was kidding. I always wake myself up like that-I have a dry sense of humor." You added in a little chuckle for effect, covering up your nervousness. You crossed all your toes and fingers. Please believe it. Pleeeaaasseeeee.

A big sigh of relief, followed by his normal grin appearing again made you want to cry with happiness. Thank god he believed you.

"heh, sorry sweetheart. s' just a...sensitive topic for me." Sans shrugged, acting nonchalant like he didn't just shift into panic mode.

Speaking of-

"Is that guy okay?" The car was freaking crushed, of course he wasn't. You just wanted to see how Sans would reply. Maybe cover it up? Maybe be ashamed or guilty? Maybe apologize or cry or something?

Nope. None of the above. Option Z apparently existed because his response came way out of left field.

"heh. nope. burning in hell right now probably."

Uhhhh...? Okay. Should you be outwardly confused and worried? Or hide it? How does one approach a situation like this? You get that he was mad about the whole death thing but that was a bit extreme.

A bit.

"Oh. Uh. Okay, then?"

How do you respond to that? Sans looked so happy and proud about it too, like he wanted you to praise him or something. What is happening? How is this happening?

"Won't you get in trouble?"

Perfect. Yup. Skip the ethics of murder and jump straight into will Sans or you have to deal with consequences. Classy. Role model. The perfect behavior for an upstanding citizen. Even you were shocked by that being your first thought.

Sans seemed pretty taken aback too. He was the one who said it in the first place! Why was he surprised? Did he want you to react differently? God. Everything was getting really complicated.


"Will I?"


"Well, that settles that for now then."

The most awkward atmosphere to ever exist now settled in the room. You were about to speak up when-

"SANS? I MANAGED TO FIND SOME INTRIGUINGLY SHAPED SPAGHETTI! THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT SHAPES!" Of all things to expect, a tall lanky skeleton dressed in battle-like clothing with a boisterous voice was at the bottom of the list. Was that Sans brother? There was a distinct difference between them.

i won't let you leave me【Yandere!Sans x Reader】Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя