Chapter 7 Kentrell's Birthday Trip

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"Alright."I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

• Skip Car Ride ~ 7:12 AM •

"This nice as fuck."I said looking around our hotel room.

"You know I had to get the best for us."He said wrapping his arm around me.

"Mommy."Kind whined as she wiped her eyes.

"What's wrong, baby girl?"I asked her as I sat on the bed next to her.

"I want my tab."She said to me.

I got up and grabbed her diaper bag. I dug in it and grabbed her ipad. I walked back over to her and gave it to her. She instantly started playing the games I downloaded for her.

"Why kids love tablets so much?"Kentrell asked me.

"I don't know, I guess so they can play games and watch YouTube."I said shrugging. "But I don't let Kind watch youtube."

"Why?"He asked me.

"Because it be crazy stuff on there. Like I was watching YouTube with my cousin son when I was in Atlanta and certain stuff just be saying the weirdest stuff on so called kid videos."I told him.

"You don't want Sky to grow up crazy."He said laughing.

"Definitely not."I said shaking my head.

• Skip To Zoo •

"Kind, look at the flamingos."I said pointing at them.

"Birdies."She said reaching for them.

"You can't touch them."I said as we continued to walk around.

"She can feed the lory parrots."Kentrell manager Iris told me.

Well, it's not his manager manager but his time management manager. At first, I didn't understand why he needed one but now I get it. If it was left up to him, he would be late to everything and certain stuff wouldn't get done. But she do more than just his time management, she's actually more like his assistant or something.

"Where they at?"I asked her.

"This way."She said walking ahead of us.

We followed behind her to the lory parrots. As we walked around, we seen a lot of different animals, especially different species of birds.

"Here they go."She said as we walked up to them.

"You wanna feed the parrots?"I asked Kind.

"Yeah!"She said excitedly.

Kentrell put her down on the ground. I grabbed her hand and walked over to them with her. We got the bird food from the man that was handing it out. We was about to feed them but then Kind got scared when one tried to eat out her hand.

"Kind, come here."I said pulling her back over to them.

"No, I don't want to!"She said running over to Kentrell.

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