Chapter 8: A Salamander Tale

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The next morning, not long after dawn, Alex came downstairs for breakfast and noticed his father asleep on the couch. He tiptoed past him, shaking his head and grinning to himself, deciding to make breakfast himself.

After thirty minutes, he'd concocted and consumed a stack of fluffy, chocolate chip pancakes complete with a mug of hot chocolate, and placed another stack in the microwave for Grayson to find later. He rushed back upstairs and grabbed his blue duffel bag that he had already packed last night, as well as his bow case with Aetherius neatly place inside.

When he returned downstairs, he went to stand in front of Grayson's sleeping figure and flung one of the pillows he hadn't packed, at his face.

Grayson stumbled awake, almost falling off the couch. "Ow! What? What? Alex? Oh...What time is it?"

Alex shook his head. "I didn't hear you come home last night. This is the first time you've stayed out so long. Should I be expecting a late night call from the police?"

"Stop being ridiculous," Grayson yawned. "I maybe had one too many bottles of that soju stuff. It was my first time trying it. I swear, this is the last time you'll see me like this, all teenager- y."

"Mhm. Take a shower, you stink. I'm heading out now, back tomorrow morning. There's a plate of choco-cakes in the microwave. And do me a favor since I cooked for you. Put my pillow back on my bed. Thanks, bye." He bounded for the front door, and accidentally slammed it on his way out.

The harsh sound stunned Grayson for a long moment before picking up the pillow that fell to the floor. "I've been cooking for him for seventeen years, and he's never done me a favor..." He pressed his fingers against his temples and groaned at the surging pain pulsing in his head. "... maybe some hot chocolate will make it go away..." He stood slowly, tightly embracing the pillow, and shuffled himself towards the kitchen.

When Alex arrived at the open field in Riviam Point, he saw someone standing there, hands buried inside their pockets, facing the waterfall's peak. As he strode closer he stepped on a fallen branch, unintentionally announcing his presence. Lev turned around and immediately started towards Alex, who froze at the sight of the advance.

He stopped mere inches away from Alex, then took out his phone to see the time. He held the screen up for Alex see too. "You're early." The time on his phone read 9:28.

"Sorry. I tried to be late," Alex lied.

Lev stared at him, seemingly curious about Alex's entire existence, then he circled around him to a look at all the baggage he had brought. "Let's go." He swiftly maneuvered around Alex and headed for the field's exit. Alex turned and followed.

Fifthteen minutes and they had arrived at a broad house in the most northwestern part of the town. The majority of it was beige and pearl-shaded. It lacked any fencing, but there was a massive menacing stone dragon perched on the roof above the front door. Its very aura emanated something daunting, and Alex couldn't help but shudder upon its view. A short, zigzagging concrete path led up to the door.

"This," Lev said, flicking Alex on his forehead so he'd pay him attention, "is the Whitevole Estate." Alex silently gazed at the whole of it. Lev grabbed the duffel bag from Alex's shoulder and attached it to his own. "Come on." He started for the front door, Alex on his heels again, and pulled out a gold key from his back jeans pocket, using it to let himself inside the house.

"Lev, is that you?" called a female voice from somewhere in the several rooms of house.

"No! It's two deranged, city dwellers here to rob you, and then dismember you!" Lev yelled back.

"Alright then! But if you're not too busy robbing me at the moment, could I meet your accomplice? I'm in the living room!" yelled the woman once more.

Lev chuckled to himself and sighed. "Follow me."

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