Chapter 5: A Place of Teenage Angst

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The café was abuzz with cheerfulness as the group surrounded Alex, but the mini celebration was interrupted by a sharp whistle.

As they all turned to the source, Ziro removed his thumb and index finger from his mouth. The torturous silence had returned.

"Be still, there'll be plenty of time for that later. You need to know the rules from now. Every evening or night, depending on everyone, we hold a meeting. Usually at a secret grotto, and sometimes at my house. During those meetings we discuss our days, plan personal events, share any relevant information that might affect one of us somehow, and sparring if anyone's up for it. You have to attend every meeting unless certain circumstances prevent you otherwise. Every now and then, we go on missions — the goals for them will vary. If I give you a solo mission, you have to try and do your best. Lastly, never keep secrets. Questions?"

"...just three," Alex said. All eyes gravitated to him once again. Ziro waited patiently. "What exactly do you mean by 'sparring'?"

Ziro pulled his sword from its silver sheath. Both the blade and its handle were a lustrous black. Part of the blade had Korean writing engraved in silver.

"Some people might see fighting as dangerous or mindless. I find it peaceful. This is Necrodian," he held up his sword. "Like your Aetherius, I created it as well as Helio. Sometimes Carsyn and I spar, with and without weapons. Occasionally I try to encourage the others to participate in the weaponless sparring when they can. When they don't, they keep an eye on us when she and I spar. Since you also have a weapon, you're welcome to spar with either one of us. Second?"

"...yeah," Alex started, "so, who made you the boss?"

Audible gasps exploded all around, but Alex wasn't sure from who exactly they came from. Carsyn couldn't hold her snickering, and Ziro narrowed his eyes at Alex.

"I prefer leader," Ziro replied at last, unconcerned yet blunt. "And I'm the most disciplined of the group. But if you can beat me in a fight — weapons or none — you can be the 'boss'."

"Noted," was all Alex said as he tried to keep composure. Carsyn laughed, and surprisingly enough, even Ziro shed a smile for a brief second.

"Third?" Ziro asked.

"Oh, uh, where is this 'secret grotto' place anyway?"

For a prolonged moment, Ziro didn't say anything and his eyes drifted to the ground. Alex tried to speak, but Carsyn placed her hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Outside," Ziro finally said. "Come." He walked out of the café first, then when Alex didn't follow, Carsyn clutched his shoulders and spun him around herself, giving him a push towards the door.

Jeremi appeared from behind and spared a motivating pat on the back. "Don't worry, he wouldn't murder you in broad daylight."

Strangely, Jeremi's words managed to instill enough confidence, allowing Alex to trudge the rest of the way through the doors. He didn't glance back, but he could the rest of the group following after him.

"There," Ziro pointed to the lighter stone bridge on the far right side of the town. "After you've crossed Faerie bridge, you'll be at Riviam Point. A lot of kids in Moonhaven go there to get rid of any angst pent up. Go to the furthest part of it, and you'll find stone steps leading down to the grotto. When you finally get to it, tell the person inside to leave. Do whatever you have to, to make sure he does."

"Wait," Alex started. "Is this...a mission?"

"It is." Ziro stared at him, still looking very unconcerned. The rest of the group observed Alex in curious thought. Carsyn was the only one to steal a hard glance at Ziro. "Afterwards, go home and Syn will come get you later."

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