Chapter 3: Heliotropium

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Later that night, Alex sent a text to his father telling him that he was going to stay the night at Carsyn's place. She took Alex next door to her house, and up to her room after closing up shop.

Nearly everything in Carsyn's room was a shade of purple; her bedsheets, her pillows, the nightstand, a rug by the foot of her bed. A bouquet of heliotrope flowers sat on the window ledge, and a variety posters on the walls featured famous female boxers.

Carsyn rested her staff between the nightstand and the head of her bed. "One rule Lexy, no touching Helio, ever."

Alex nodded, "beautiful, by the way. Though I can't tell from the name, is Helio a he or a she?"

"It, is an it. I know I told you this already in our letters — I find it really fucking weird to give a gender to inanimate objects. Besides, not everything is so black and white. What if my staff was trans, huh?"

He waved her off. "Yeah, okay, I apologize."

She chuckled, "now where's this beauty of a bow you've preached about? In that sexy little blue case?"

Alex lifted the case onto her bed. With two subtle clicks, it was unlocked and opened. He gently took it in his hands, and offered it to Carsyn. She grinned at him and grabbed the bow by the grip. He watched her vigilantly as she assessed every inch of it, then she held out her free hand and waited for him to act. He got the hint and took out an arrow with an obsidian arrowhead, from a cluster of them stuffed in a large pouch on the other half of the case. Carsyn took it from him, aimed for the top edge of one of the posters on the walls, and drew back the arrow. With a swift release, it made a dent in the wall.

Carsyn snickered. "Wicked. Ooh, Ziro just might have an orgasm if he sees this. He's like an aficionado when it comes to weaponry. By the way, I hope his asshole-like exterior didn't spook you so much that it prevents you from ever getting to know him. He's issues."

"It could be fun to have a staring contest with him," Alex joked.

Carsyn laughed, falling back onto her bed after handing back the bow. "I'm actually really glad you're here now. Maybe you're what Ziro needs to lighten up."

" about him?"

Carsyn smirked at him. "What now?"

"I just mean...what is he to you — officially?"

Carsyn narrowed her eyes at him. "Officially? A friend, one of my best. Since grade six. We kissed once out of pure curiosity, but that's all. He's not my type, if that's what you're thinking."

"Noted. And, who exactly was the curious one when you two kissed?"

Carsyn didn't speak for nearly a minute. "I was. It happened in grade nine, and it wasn't my first kiss, but I needed to test something out. And though he'll never admit it, Ziro was curious about whether or not he was a good kisser. Try to keep that last bit to yourself if you value living."

"Interesting." Alex was quiet for a minute as well. Carsyn leaned her elbow on her knees and observed him. She gazed intently at his vacant look, and he gazed at her lilac bedspread. "Would you...kiss me one time? There's also something I need to test out."

Carsyn scoffed. "That's some lame attempt of trying to get into my pants, dude."

"No, no. That's not what this is, I promise. It's my first kiss." Carsyn stared at him, incredulous. "For a long time now I've kind of been uneasy about having feelings for another person."

Carsyn scooted closer. "Didn't you have anyone back in the Big Easy, to help you figure this out? A handsome, caucasian guy like you must've had somebody."

"Nah... I didn't have any friends. Everyone back home — back there, felt so imaginary. Like they weren't even real. And kind of boring too. They all acted the same. I think they expected me to act just like them. At some point I ended up avoiding them. I can't even imagine having any kind of feelings for someone like that. For years since middle school I've just stuck to archery like it was my only lifeline, or something."

"Lexy, you've touched my tainted soul. Fine. Come here."

He stepped closer to her, and she reached out to grab him by the scruff of his blue plaid shirt, pulling him in face-to-face and attaching her lips to his. Alex let her do all the work as she maneuvered her head and mouth, and her grip on his shirt got tighter. His eyes were open, panting with curiosity. He tried to assess the situation mentally, but all that was crossing his mind was the awkward feel of Carsyn's lips pressing against his, and impelling against his front teeth. Finally, Carsyn let up with a loud plop as their lips released, but she didn't let go of his shirt. Alex wiped the little bit of drool from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and stared at it.

"Well, I gotta say, that was interesting. How'd you feel, Lexy?"

"Nothing... A kiss is supposed to make you feel something, but I didn't feel anything. Am I defected or something?"

Carsyn shook her head. "Don't go saying that, Lexy. I know from all the letters we've sent — you're awesome. You wanna know what's happening here? I'm not your type is all. One day you'll find your type who will make you all cuckoo coconuts for affection. Promise." It was tinier than the dent on her wall, but Alex smiled. "Now let's hit the hay already." Alex moved to try and lie down on the floor, but Carsyn stopped him. "I don't think so, Lexy. You're a guest, so you'll sleep on the bed."

"I can't let you sleep on the floor of your own house. It's bad manners."

Carsyn snickered again. "Who told you that?"

"My dad did, surprisingly."

"Well tell papa Prior that chivalry is dead, and there are times when you can't be all respectable, or nice, or normal. You gotta bend some of the rules and expectations that people in your life throw at you — or all of them if you're really miserable." Alex noticed some despondency cross Carsyn's eyes. "My bad, Lexy. I got all Grand Canyon deep on you out of nowhere. Look, if it helps, I'll put some pillows between us. Problem solved, chivalry lives." She headed over to a wide, plum colored closet, and vanished inside. "I'm guessing you didn't bring along any change of clothes to sleep in, huh?"

Alex shook his head even though Carsyn couldn't see him. "Nope."

"아이구 (Aigoo). Alright, try this." She tossed out an oversized lavender t-shirt and a pair of violet boxers. "You have five minutes to get changed, then I'm coming out. Go."

Alex quickly shucked off his clothes and changed into the shirt and boxers. "Ok, I'm done."

"Three minutes to spare. Nice." Carsyn appeared from the closet wearing the reverse colours of the clothes she had given Alex; a violet oversized shirt and lavender boxers.

"Nice tattoo..." Alex loosely pointed to her right thigh which revealed an extensive tattoo of the moon phases.

"Thanks, Lexy! It took hours for it to be perfect, but it was worth it." She climbed into the right side of the bed and motioned to Alex, who stood idly by the foot of the bed. "Get on your side already before I drag you into it."

He stumbled as he walked to the left side of the bed. "Good night?"

She chuckled and shut off the light in her room with a switch by her nightstand. "Yeah Lexy, good night."

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