Duty fulfilled

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The three Pevensies girls giggled after they had complimented each other on their looks. They were In the room Susan was staying in. It had been three hours since the Telmarines had surrendered and the Bella was dressed along with her sister-in laws for the coronation of Caspian. Bella wore a long,plum dress that had sleeves that were loose by her forearms and wrists. She had also requesting for the maids to cut her hair that was down to her ribs and it was now right under her collar bones.

Susan and Lucy gave her of piece of their minds for doing such things but they laighed at the end, admitting that it looked good on her, it went well with her heart-shaped face.

After, excusing herself, Bella went to room where she knew Caspian would stay in as King. It was Miraz used to stay. On her way, she her eyes scanned the halls searching for a familiar face, particularly Peter's and she desired to have some actual peaceful alone time as a married couple in Narnia,especially since they were now on extremly good terms.

Reaching Caspians door, Bella knocked three times saying "Caspian, it's me, Bella" she called to him. But after five seconds, Bella confusedly raised a brow wondering why the future King took forever to answer the door. Hesitantly as if she should or not Bella slowly twisted the door knob, opening the door and she quickly went in closing the door quietly behind her.

Bella looked around Caspians room, noticing the changes from what Miraz's room looked like. Caspians made it looks more like his style.

Bella with a small smile walked towards the opened balcony doors seeing Caspian looking down below at the small town.

Bella walked towards him. She felt proud. Proud of herself and proud of Caspian. "Surely I have completed my duty " She surprised Caspian with the sound of her voice as he jumped slightly, his ears perking up as he turned around with a smile admiring the way she looked.

Bella let out a soft giggle "did I startle you, my King? " she surprised him once more with her words.

Caspian cleared his throat as he felt a light blush crawl up his face to his cheeks, only she can make him feel this way. "Only a little. " he confessed coning closer to her until she was three feet away.

Bella grinned at him trying to ignore how close he was. Maybe she felt something for him, she would never be sure as her love for Peter was too strong for her to ever know but she knew it was... Something.

"What duty? "Caspian asked. He had not recognized that Bella had cut her hair and she was eating her him to see it.

"My duty to keep you alive, so you can be crowned King and restore Narnia " Bella explained with a small smile gracing her lips. She didn't think it would be hard, but it was hard bow that the time had come, letting someone else take care of her home when she had done so for more than a thousand years. Edmund loved calling her a fossil every time he got the chance to say so and he always earned a slap in the head by her.

Caspian sighed letting out a nervous chuckle "well you did a magnificent job." he watched her face for a second until his eyes widen in surprise "Bella, you cut her hair?!"he exclaimed coming closer to grab a strand.

Bella chuckled rolling her eyes as she nodded "is it a crime to cut my hair, hm? "She raised an eyebrow looking up at him. Her used to be quite long so she did but alot,like six inches til it reaches her collar bones.

Caspian smiled looking. Away from the steam of dark brown hair to look Down at her striking,bright blue eyes. "No, you look beautiful either way." he sincerleg said putting the strand of hair behind her ears. Casian was still saddened by the thought that Bella would never be his.

"May I ask you a question? "He told her softly. Bella lookimg into his dark chocolate brown eyes, her heart rate increased as she nodded. "if the Pevensies had never come back, would there have been a chance of you and I being together?"he asked timidly and almost ashamed to ask such question.

Bella's eyes slightly widen only a bit as her heart skipped a beat and she thought about his question. If the Pevensies had never comed back, there would have been a chance that Bella would have fallen completly for the Telmarine Prince but that clearly didn't occur.

"Yes." Bella said with a clear firm voice as her hand reached up to cup his face "there would have been a very good chance,Caspian,but you must learn to move on and find someone that will make you happy " she said trying to encourage him and lift his spirit up. "I must go," she smiled softly dropping her hand as she noticed him lose focus aroumd her. " your going to make a magnificent King, Caspian, you already are" she smiled proudly knowing it meant alot for him to hear this from her. She leaned up on her tippy toes and placed a soft kiss on Caspians cheek and he Instictingly wrapped an arm around her waist as he felt his whole body shudder. Bella them wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a tight hug which he quickly returned, wrappimg his arms around her small waist,burying his face in her hair that smelled of lavender  with a hint of vanilla.

Caspian was still in awe that a great Queen and Warrior was in his arms. He was glad very glad, that all the stories that he had read about her and the other Pevensies were not just myths or fairytales, as he had found his his second family.

✔Conquering the Enemy - sequel to Victory isn't FreeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora