Pride leads to a downfall part 1

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Edmund knocked on the door and opened it, he looked up and froze. Before his eyes were Peter and Bella, kneeled on the ground in each others embrace. They looked at Edmund with red puffy  eyes, both with a torn look. Edmund at that moment knee what had happened and his face developed a look of sorrow. He too would of loved to be an uncle.

"I'm deeply sorry to interrupt but it's time to go, it's almost dawn "

Peter nodded at Edmund and the Just king left right away giving them the alone time once more.

Peter stood up and held out his hands to Bella which she took. And he helped her up. They looked into each others eyes, their emotions and feelings matching . Peter wiped her tears and placed a sweet passionate kiss on her forehead. Bella closed her eyes ,breathing in Peter's scent. She wrapped her arms around him and Peter followed her actions.

In his arms, she felt safe, protected, and loved, and having her in his arms, Peter felt like he had the most precious thing in the world, and he will never let anything take her away from him.

They let go of each other after a minute and Petet caressed his lover's cheek and looked  at her reassuringly "Bella, I know it hurts, but we must know that we still have many opportunities later in life, my love "

Bella nodded, "I know, please Forgi-"

"Shh, I already have, "

"but it shouldn't be easy "

"I need you. Bella, you are my life,my rock, we need each other to make it through this "

Bella sighed., nodding . Peter smiled sadly and leaned down meeting her lips with his in a sweet, passionate, tender kiss. Their lips lingered on each others as Peter's teeth bit her lips gently. Bella broke the kiss shaking her head with a smile.

Peter go a hold of her waist,loving to see the love of his life with a smile on her face "We didn't get to finish that day " going back to the day where they had an intense make out session.

"Not now "

"were married we can do whatever we want "Peter made a point.

Bella grinned interlocking her hand forgetting about the sadness and lead him out "we have a castle to take over "

Peter chuckled, placing a kiss on her knuckles. They walked outside to meet the army, the prince, and the other King and Queens of Old. Susan,Edmund and Lucy looked at the high Queen and King and they smiled to themselves as they saw their interlocked hands, Peter rubbing  Bella's hand with his thumb. Caspian quickly turned away, feeling jealousy in the pit of his stomach, it was hard for him to accept that he couldn't have her.

"I'm glad to see you two love birds back to normal "Susan smiled.

Bella gave her a small smile but told her something else with her eyes. Susan nodded glancing at Edmund which told Bella that he had told the girls.

"It's time to go "Caspian interupted with a serious tone. He glanced at Bella as she looked at him with a still guilty look and of pang of hurt felt in her heart at his reaction, Bella did feel something for Caspian but it couldn't in no way compare to the love she had for her own Husband.Bella felt ashamed, she has heard that you could love two people at once but she didn't want that idea to exist in her own world.

Caspian walked to one of the griffin and it picked him up. Bella touched her belt making sure she had her daggers, touched her back coming in contact with her bow and arrows and her sword.

"pure Gold "PeterShook his head with unbelief "still looks brand new "

Bella smirked and shrugged and walked to a Griffin, Peter following.

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