Convincing Miraz P1

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All rights belong to C. S Lewis, I only own Elizabella and any dialoge and plot not involved in C. S Lewis's work.

Elizabella had dreams,since she was a little girl. It was to grow up and become a great Queen, get married to a great king and have kids. To live happily ever after. However it wasn't like that. Bella is a great Queen and has a great loving husband but she lost a child and it felt like she will never reach the phrase "happily ever after."  First Jadis came and ruined her whole life at the beginning by murdering her parents. Her ruling for a 100 years with snow a nightmare. At the end Bella won but now here ,this time the Telmarines had gotten a hold of her country. Happily ever after didn't exist....not yet anyways.

Bella along with Edmumd entered the main room to pick up Peter's proposal.

"Finished? " Edmund asked.

Peter got up, putting the pen back into the ink. He rolled up the scroll and handed it to Edmund, glancing at his wife.

"I hope it works " He sighed running a hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"It will " Edmund reassured.

"Please stay safe, both of you " he looked at them sternly, with a serious gaze. Edmund nodded.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. " Bella grabbed his hand interwinning their fingers. Peter looked at her adoringly and pecked her lips.

"You two better go now " Peter sqeezed Bella's hand before releasing her. Bella and Edmund glanced at each other and they both exited the room, Peter's gaze following them.

Bella took a deep breath which made Edmund look at her concerned "you know you don't have to come with me, it's more safe for you to stay here. "

Bella scoffed "and what, let my brother-in-law go alone, I don't think so "

Edmund sighed, she was stubborn just like Peter. They were followed by Glenstorm and a fawn who both held flowers as a sign of peace.

They exited the Howe and began making their way to the army that were kilometers away from them.

Bella and Edmund shared a glance as they saw a Telmarine soldier look at them through a telescope.

Once they reached their camp they were stopped by two soldiers,"hold it "

"we've come in peace "Bella spoke calmly gesturing to the flowers.

The two guards glanced at each other and took the two flowers vases.

"now, we want to to speak with Miraz, " Edmund said, waving the scroll in their faces.

One of the guards went to his lord and then quickly came back. "just you two, the animals stay by that tree. "

Bella and Edmund glared at the soldier as Glenstrom huffed, while the fawn growled.

"They are not animals, they are people, much noble and fierce than you Telamarine" Bella glared murderously at the guard and he cowered at her fierce gaze that was in her beautiful eyes, quickly letting them through.

"Bella"Glenstorm called her. Bella looked at her dear friend giving him a reassuring nod.

At the same time she and Edmund entered the tent where Miraz and his council were seated at.

"well, well, looks like we have the Goddess of War here before us my lords "

The council looked at Bella,some curiously but the majority in awe. Bella smirked at Miraz making him swallow which widen her smirk more but he recovered quickly. "looking for the rest of your people? They were all killed in cold blood" he smirked waiting for her reaction.

Bella hissed " Do not provoke me Miraz, you will surely regret it "

Miraz raised her eyebrow, especially when Edmund held onto her arm, knowing her well.

"Ed" Bella told Ed to read the scroll.

"We have a proposal by the High King of Narnia"Bella informed, narrowing her eyes at each person in the room.

Miraz raised his head expectantly and Edmund took that as his cue and unrolled the scroll, clearing his throat, "I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender."

"Tell me, Prince Edmund-"

" King" Bella corrected sternly, authority laced in her melodic voice.

The council were in awe of her eyes for they have never seen a person with such beautiful, deep, fierce, bright eyes and with such authority in them.

"Pardon? "Miraz raised in eyebrow mockingly to Bella. She narrowed her eyes at him in response, how she wanted to kill him right there on the spot. Just exactly how she wanted to once and for all kill Jadis when Aslan and her were meeting in the tent with Jadis when Aslan decided to die for Edmund.

"It's King Edmund, actually" Edmund confirmed Bella's words. Miraz should know he is talking to a King who has experiences as one and not Miraz who was barely King.

Miraz looked truly confused and displeased at Bella for smirking at him. Edmund clarified, "Just King Edmund, Peter is the high King ,I know it's confusing "

Miraz raised his eyebrows looking at Bella "too weak to challenge me, Goddess of War?"

Edmund mentally slapped himself,  Miraz was stupid for provoking Bella to kill him right there in this moment.

Bella raised her head walking forward. She sensed Edmund coming to stop her but she held a hand out ceasing him. Some of the council members gripped their swords nervously,for if the young Queen truly was a warrior ,they had every right to be nervous.

"Let's do it Miraz, it'll be my pleasure to take my husband's place " Bella challenged with her eyes and expression hard with a knowing look.

Miraz stayed silent as the rest of the lords looked at him in anticipation. Miraz was thinking hard, " High King Peter would never allow it "

Bella scoffed "you stayed quiet too long, it's because you know you won't stand a chance against me... Telmarine"

She hit a nerve.....For Miraz wasn't just a Telmarine anymore.

Miraz unsheathed his sword .....and Bella wasn't armed.....

A. N:  ooooooooh what do you guys think is going to happen? Comment below, I would like to hear your response!

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