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It was almost dawn and Bella was in her room in the how, she slept in the second biggest room because the first biggest room was where the stone table was.

Bella stirred and squirmed in her sleep as she had a nightmare. Bella kept repeating someone's name and that name was Peter. She was dreaming the day he left Narnia with his family. She could feel the pain she felt on that day as she slept, from losing her love, family and her unborn baby.

"Peter! " She yelled as she awoke, sitting up. Some Narnians who walked by would hear her but knew to leave her alone as she had the same dream almost every night, they felt extremely sorry for their Queen.

Bella covered her face with her palm as she cried. When was it going to stop? She thought. Bella was tired and over it. Bella wiped her tears as she ran her fingers through her Raven hair that was the length in the middle of her chest.

She layed down unable to sleep, her hand went up to her collar bone and grasped her locket. She looked at it and opened it, seeing the pictures of her dear mother and father.

Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at the old pictures.
" Oh how I need you two so much right now" Bella sniffed. "I'm broken once again " but once she glanced at the two rings on either side of the locket, she put the necklace down.

Suddenly a loud sound disturbed her cry and she sat up immediatly with a frown as she listened intently, it was a horn. Bella's eyes widen as she recognized the sound,and knew that It wasn't just any kind of horn but Queen Susan's horn, the one Aslan had told her in a dream to give to Caspian.

Was he in danger?Bella thought worriedly but another serious more shocking thought crossed her mind as she knew the horn was magic, it had the power to summon back the Kings and Queens of Old.

"This can't be " Bella spoke to herself with a panic. "Not after one thousand three hundred years.They can't possibly come back "

A knock on her door interupted her thoughts as she heard the Wife of her army general tell her that many Narnians heard the horn and that Glenstorm is requesting a meeting.

"Say I said yes, tell him to gather the court and to meet at the stone table, I will be there " Bella replied looking to the ground still frozen in schock.

She heard Glenstorm's wife walk away and she stood up shaking her self out of her schock. Elizabella could not yet be sure if the Pevensies were to come back.

Now that Bella liked dresses more, she wore a Rose gold dress with a long black cape . She quickly did her hair making a braid on top of her head and quickly left the room to the stone table.

"Bella " Glenstorm greeted her friend, He was one of her close friends so he was allowed to call her by her name,rather than title.

"why did you suggest this meeting? "she nodded to him and her other most trusted members of the court which was one minortaur,one fawn, Glenstorm's wife, a cheetah,tiger, bear, and Glenstorm's sons .

"we all heard Queen Susan's horn, it must have been blown in the woods ".

Bella clenched her jaw thinking about Caspian, what must have happened.

"what are you thinking Glenstorm" Bella raised an eyebrow.

Glenstorm saw her look and he slightly swallowed because he knew Bella wasnt really in the best mood because of the significance of the horn being blown and the nightmare she had.

" To find the one that blew the horn"

Bella sighed, she knew it either was Caspian's professor or him himself.

✔Conquering the Enemy - sequel to Victory isn't FreeWhere stories live. Discover now