* 23 - Traveling Outside

Start from the beginning

Kai felt just a bit of jealousy rise up in him, but he didn't acknowledge it. "What'd you whisper to him when he asked if I was your boyfriend?"

"Oh, that? Nothing important."

"Scarlett, come on, I gotta know!"

"You'll be fine. Now, are we done here? Leo's just a friend, Kai. Nothing to be worried or jealous about."

He only crossed his arms, letting out a small hmph. "I don't know when the last time you called me baby was."

"Me neither." Scarlett couldn't help but laugh at him. Sure, some feelings have risen inside her for him, but because of what's happening, she'd rather not let relationships or love get in the way.

Especially not with the horrible possibilities during the battle. She couldn't afford to lose someone important to her.

Kai noticed her staring off into nothing, almost bumping into the pole. He grabbed her and pulled her away, into him and making her return to earth.

She looked up at him, smiling softly. He chuckled before they walked off again, although this time, he kept his arm around her.

"There's something else I've been wanting to talk to you about, by the way."

"Oh, what's that?" Scarlett asked.

He now gave her a more stern look, making her freeze in place. "That little stunt you pulled... your powers."

* * *

"Where do you think we should head now, Lloyd?" Mia asked the green ninja, who hummed in response.

"I don't know. With all the battles we've been through, I've never really had much time to experience a calm walk through the city," he answered with a small smile.

"Well, there's a first time for everything." She stopped and began to rock on her heels back and forth, looking up at him.

A small hum was then heard in the distance, making the two ninja turn around. Lloyd was immediately on guard, grabbing her hand and ready to make a run for it.

But Mia thought differently. She put her hand up as if telling him to stop, and he did. She instead slowly began to walk toward the hum, as if it entranced her.

"Mia, seriously. That could be a shadow," Lloyd whispered, even though he was following her.

"You know, for some reason... I don't think so." Keeping her voice as low as she could, Mia finally stopped at a tree and did a turn to see who was on the other side.

A little girl greeted her.

"Oh... hello." The little girl stopped humming, now looking up at the two. "Sorry, was I bothering you? I didn't mean to."

"No, no, you just scared us for a second." Mia lightly hit Lloyd in the arm. "Hey... what is someone so young like you doing out here?"

"I'm just roaming around the city. Well, that's a lie. Actually, I came here specifically because it's nice and quiet here." She smiled a bit, holding her hands over her lap.

"I get we all have our places to go... but it's dangerous in the city," Lloyd told her, stepping up. "Shouldn't you be home with your parents? I'm sure they're worried sick about you."

The little girl frowned, her gaze falling to the floor. "Um... my parents died a while back, Mister..."

Lloyd closed his eyes, his body becoming stiff. God, I hate when that happens.

"Oh no..." Mia frowned too, bending down a bit to be level with the girl. "I'm sorry. My parents died, too... I understand exactly how you feel. What's your name?"

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