I Carry Your Heart With Me

Start from the beginning

Mommy? "Autumn said curiously.

Emely smiled.

Emely, Damon. "Alaric said warily.

Well, aren't you adorable? "Emely said smirking.

She glances down at the twins.

Heh. You girls, too. "She said.

Alaric frowns and quickly rushes to put himself in between the twins and Emely.

Stand behind daddy. Shawn protect your sister. "Alaric said sternly.

Shawn put a shield around them.

Emely's smile dropped and she glared at him.

Damon noticed this and got worried.

Why so gloomy? Looks like you got everything you wanted. "Emely said sternly.

The fact that you're here means somebody died. "Alaric said nervously.

No, not yet. But, if you don't do exactly as we say, that could change real fast. "Damon said.

Alaric gulps anxiously and stares at Emely and Damon as he leans against the door frame.

So, you gonna invite us in? "Emely asked.

Shawn looked at his mother in curiosity and fear.

Something no mother wants.

And Emely felt saddened about this.

Present Day 2013

Emely's Pov

I'm walking through the wing of the hospital that is under construction.

I'm on the phone with Lily.

Lily, tell me you have Elena. "I said plainly.

Let me speak to Oscar. "She ordered.

No can do. I'm about to wake him up from his little vervain nap. "I told her.

You do realize that when you get her back, you're not actually getting her back, right? She's still in a box. "She said annoyed.

Do you think I need to be reminded of that? "I scoffed.

And yet, you're leveraging a member of my family just to get her body closer to you. How selfish can you be? "She asked.

Very selfish, so spare the lecture. Your not my mother. Thank god I might add. "I said sighing.

Emely if you or Damon, have harmed Oscar in any way... "She started sternly.

I roll my eyes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Say goodbye to Elena. It's not my first hostage swap! "I said annoyed.

I hang up the phone and walk into the room where I kept oscar.

Oscar... "I called.

Once I get into the room, i stop dead in my tracks when i see that Oscar is not where I left him.

Instead, there's just a puddle of blood in the middle of the table.

Uh-oh. Oscar? "I said alarmed.

I slowly walks around the room and look around.

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