Holiday Hill Pt.2

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I've said my secret several times to the people I trust. Actually, it's not telling...It's more like talking about. But these days I don't talk much about it, considering I'm getting older and I feel like those things shouldn't be discussed as much. It was one thing when I was younger, I didn't understand the value of a secret. But now being 10, I understand it well. So I wrote it down on a piece of paper, and handed it to my Aunt. She read it. She started to cry and I was confused.
"What's wrong?"
"What do you mean? You just told me you were assaulted."
"I know." A teardrop fell from my face and I swiftly wiped it away.
"Bella, I'll never tell a soul. Ever. You don't have to worry about anyone here knowing." I nodded and she gave me a hug.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you."
"It's okay really. That was like 6 years ago."
"Yeah..I was like 4." She cried even more and I gave her a hug.
"I've been to counseling. I'm getting better with handling it. You don't have to worry."
The Hotel Pool
"Everyone is here.."
"Well duh it isn't curfew yet Jayden." I jumped into the pool with my girl friends and the top of my bikini got loose.
"Kylie, fix it for me."
"Of course bestie." There weren't any adults around be honest with you, if I were them I'd be here where the pool is because who knows if people want to be freaky..I know we're all 10 and 11 but these people are ruthless.
"Let's go in the hot tub." We all went and we were the only people in there.
"Tomorrow I heard we're going to do some touring thing, and go out for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory."
"Bella is legit the plug. She knows everything."
"Well I mean if your aunt is one of the teachers on the trip wouldn't you ask?"
"She has a whole point."
"I heard Maria was talking crap about Bella again."
"She just can't help it. What is her issue?" Paisley said.
"Honestly, I personally think she's jealous of Bella and that's why she's saying things about her."
"Jealousy doesn't look good on her." I said.
"Why are you girls always in some drama? Why can't you be cool like us guys?"
"Because, once a girl talks bad about someone, we all fight. Just how we are." Kylie and I laughed hard and the teachers came in.
"Looks like it's curfew."
"Time to go! Come on!"
"I saw that coming. Ugh, Bye Axel and Jayden." I said.
"FaceTime us."
"Girls, let's go." My Aunt said. She looked at my bikini and laughed.
"What?" I fixed my strap and rolled my eyes.
"I don't know what you were doing...and I don't wanna know."
"No, I didn't do anything, my stamps are always loose on me."
"Let's go with that."
M.E.'s Office (Olivia's Perspective)
"I put a rush on the DNA."
"Leia Frazier is Bella's half sister."
"The Mother?"
"Melanie Harper. In Rykers." I looked at the file and I saw the stack of charges in her name. So how the hell did Leia end up at the precinct, and who was supervising her?!
"Noted." I realized that I was going to have to go home and question the poor 3 year old. Something's not right. I had went to the agency the other day, to see if I could foster Leia. I didn't want her to be separated from her sister, that's just inhumane. She deserves a loving home just like Bella did. 3 kids is going to be a challenge, but it'll be worth it.
"Livy, you get the bad guy?"
"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it." I started to drive home and parked the car across the street from our townhome. I opened up the door and Leia was there giggling.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I Good. I play with the dolls that was Bella's."
"That was fun huh?"
"Yes, she have pretty dolls."
"Thank you so much Lucy. I appreciate your help this past week."
"No problem. It's nice to have some change around here."
"Bye Lucy!" Leia said cutely.
"Bye honey."
"You go home and sleep! And eat dinner!"
"I will honey. Bye Liv, Bye Noah."
"Bye Lucy." I picked Leia up and gave her a hug.
"It's bedtime soon."
"'s tv time Livia. Tv and popcorn." She has such a cute little personality once she's comfortable with you.
"It's 7:30 and you're in your pajama's. I think it's bedtime Leia."
"Okay, but we eat tomorrow?" I nodded and she smiled.
"You're my favorite Livia."
"How kind." I set her in Bella's bed and tucked her in.
"I used to have a kitty cat, but she's gone. Can I get a new kitty to cuddle?"
"A stuffed animal?"
"We'll try, okay?"
"Okay Livia."
"Let's go night night." I read her a book and I've been teaching her how to read a bit. She's doing okay.
"" I smiled and she kept going.
"Pl-ay-ed together."
"Good job."
"Livia I'm sleepy."
"Alright, you can go night night. Sweet dreams."
Our Hotel Room (Bella's Perspective)
"Well, rise and shine Bella."
"How long did I sleep?"
"You were the first to fall asleep."
"And you'd think she'd be the first to wake up."
"Well, sorry guys."
"Last night was so much fun." And it was.
"We didn't even get to share secrets." I said.
"Stop talking and go shower, we could be late."
"Sorry Miss Paisley." Kylie said with a laugh. I hopped into the shower and touched my soap.
"You guys are evil!" I yelled with a laugh. These people used all of my cupcake soap! Thank goodness I brought a back up.
"Everyone wants to smell as good as you Bella."
"Sharing is caring." I squeezed out some soap and washed myself quickly. I then slid on some jeans and a top.
"Girls, you guys need to hurry up." My Aunt said.
"I'm almost done getting dressed." I slid on my sneakers and opened the door.
"Hey sugarplum. Sleep well?"
"Morning Ms.Hinds."
"Morning guys." I gave her a hug and she hugged me back.
"I have to tell you something." I whispered.
"You can tell me on the bus. Guys, let's go grab breakfast."
Bus Ride (Ms.Hinds Perspective)
Bella sat next to me instead of her friends and looked out the window as I spoke to the other teachers.
"Bell, you good?" Gamory asked.
"I guess."
"Bella...why are you being like this? You always messing with Gamory and now you so quiet."
"It's personal." I tilted my head and looked at my niece.
"Don't touch me! Stop it! Don't hurt me!" She cried. Bella has PTSD.
"Deep breaths."
"Don't hurt me. Stop!"
"Bella, I would never hurt you."
"Stop it!"
Dave And Busters (Bella's Perspective)
I felt so bad for having a flashback on the bus..that I ran away from my Aunt and everyone else to the bathroom.
"I don't wanna touch it." I said quietly.
"It's not about what you want, it's about doing what you're told. Do you want the belt?" He threatened.
"No Daddy." I continued to touch him as he made those weird sounds and he did his business on me. It felt so nasty to do this. Why did Mommy leave me with all of these big boys? They hurt me a lot and I bleed. And they make me call them Daddy..
I left the bathroom and went to play some games. Thought it'd take my mind off what I was thinking about. The nasty thoughts.
"Bella where were you?"
"Oh...Axel...I was sick."
"Is it one of those girl things?"
"I guess so." We played a game together and he put his hand on mine. I didn't know what to say..or feel. I kind of just looked at him. Knowing that he likes me, as more than a friend, makes me wonder what he thinks. Does he think that I'm really that beautiful?
"Axel? Can we talk?" His face got all red and he got all nervous as well. He pulled back his hair with his fingers and fixed his shirt.
"Don't worry, it isn't anything serious." I smiled at him and we found somewhere a little bit more private and secluded, so we could really talk. But then it got awkward, because that's when I remembered he liked me.

Upcoming part coming soon! (I'm sorta technically out for the summer, I just have to go get my report card. In New York, once you do your regents, you're basically done.) I've been pre-writing so many chapters because I'm going on vacation! My apologies if the quality isn't the best. 🥰

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