Bella Meets Olivia's 'Friend'

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"Who was that?"
"It was a friend of mine. Want me to finish the story?"
"Who was the friend?"
"We'll talk about this in the morning." Mommy didn't say anything else. I could tell she was being a bit strict, but not extremely strict.
"So Elliot's son, Let's say his name was Ricky. He was friends with someone who wasn't really that good."
"He was a bad friend?"
"Pretty much. He wasn't nice to people, he hit people and he would steal."
"That's really bad things!"
"They Are huh? So one day Elliot came home from work and his wife said that they couldn't find Ricky! So Olivia called Elliot so that they could be detectives again."
"Is that their job as adults mommy?" I said while closing my eyes.
"It is."
"What else did they do?" Mommy kept telling the story as I struggled to stay awake.
"And when Elliot found him he scolded him and then gave him a hug."
"You're falling asleep on me. You must be tired." She gave me a kiss and turned off the lights.
"Love you. Night."
1:30 am (Olivia's Perspective)
"Sweetheart you gotta go back to bed."
"But please?" She whispered. I opened my eyes and she had a frown on her face.
"Bella, you cant just come in here this early on a school day we talked about this."
"Mommy, please! I won't even make a sound. I'll just sit on the bed and not even make a sound. I'll be super quiet."
"Go back to bed."
"I want to be with you."
"And I said go back to bed." I opened my eyes and sat up. Bella looked at me and stood there with a sense of defiance.
"Bella, go back to your room." She walked over to the corner of my room and sat there.
"I want to stay hereee." I took her by the hand and led her back to her bedroom tiredly.
"Under the covers."
"I want to be in your bed." I tucked her in and gave her a kiss.
"Good night."
"This is why you should stay in your bed." She puked the covers over her head and tried to go back to sleep.
"Time to get up. It looks like I might have to save this talk for later."
"Come on baby girl let's go." She came up from under her covers and fell off her bed.
"Mommy, I have to shower?"
"No, but you need to brush your teeth and eat." She got up and scratched her head and then gave me a loving kiss. It's as if last night never happened. I went to the kitchen to try and make some sort of a breakfast for the kids.
"Looks like granola bars and yogurt today." I took out some Quaker bars and left them on the counter.
"Morning Mom."
"Morning Noah." I gave him a kiss and he gave me one back and sat down.
"Choose a yogurt love."
"Okay, and I did the lunches yesterday."
"Thank you sweet boy."
"Yes love?"
"You said you wanted to talk to me." She ate her bar and looked me in the eye.
"We'll talk later okay? Eat your food so we can leave."
175 East 78th
After a long day of work I went into the house that I was moving too to check the paint job in the house as the house didn't need any renovations other than that.
"This is beautiful." Bella smiled and ran all around the place. Bella came as I promised her that she could come see the house.
"Calm down pumpkin." She walked over to me and held my hand.
"How's the master bed?"
"Grey like you asked." The painter smiled and I walked upstairs to see myself.
"Mommy, I like this house. Now I can practice my dancing."
"Yes you can sweet pea."
New House (Bella's Perspective)
"I'll practice all day long Mommy! That's how much I love practicing!"
"It's good that you love to practice! That's how you get better at dance and gym." We went into Mommy's new room and I did some turns.
"This should be my Room because it's super big!"
"Actually sweetheart your room is right here." She pointed down the hall and I smiled.
"Is it the exact color I wanted?!"
"Yes honey. Wanna check?"
"Yes please!" Mommy opened the door and there were people painting the room.
"This is the color right?"
"Yes, I like it. When are we going home?"
"Soon. Are you tired?"
"I'm hungry."
"Well get some dinner with a friend soon okay?"
Bond 45
"You're Bella?"
"Yeah. Bella Benson."
"Bella, this is Tucker."
"Hi Mr.Tucker." I waved and ate some more pasta.
"Noah should be here Mommy."
"He has a game." She put her arm around me soothingly as I continued to eat. Mommy and that Tucker guy kept talking about adult things. So I just kept eating all of the food. I looked up at Mommy and she gave me a kiss.
"You know Bella, I have something for you." Tucker said. Mommy started smiling and urging me to be more excited.
"What is it?" He took out a bag and handed it to me over the table.
"Open it sweet pea." I looked in it and there was a Barbie doll that looked like me and some stuff from the candy bar. There was something else and an envelope but I didn't look at it really.
"Thank you Mr. Tucker."
"You're welcome, enjoy it." I'm not sure about this. I said in my head.
"Bella, you want more chicken parm."
"No thank you." I looked out the window and Mommy kept staring at me.
"Bella, finish eating please. We have to start getting ready to set home."
"I don't want it." I have to go home and write in my super secret journal about this!
"Okay, let me go ask for take away plates." I looked at Tucker for a quick, tiny second and then turned away.
"Bella, why are you acting so on edge?"
"I'm not on edge even." Hmph. As we got out of the booth to go home after dinner Mommy said bye to Tucker by giving him hugs and kisses. Not the one that all adults do kind of kiss. They did an actual on the lips kiss that the 5th graders said is second base I think? I'm not sure even.
"Bye Bella."
"Bye Mr.Tucker." We walked towards the car and Mommy was smiling only a little. I wondered if she was a bit mad with me.
"We're going to have a talk in the morning."
"I'm in trouble."
"You're not, we just need to have a chat." She stopped walking and knelt down in front of me.
"Sorry Mommy."
"Honey-" I hugged her and she hugged me back tightly. I think I know what Mommy wants to talk about. But I'm still not sure about this Tucker man.

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