Bella With Tucker

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Long Island
"Morning Mommy, Morning Tucker." I gave her a kiss and Tucker a hug.
"Mommy, May I lay down here?"
"Mhm, come." I sat in between my Mom and Tucker, smiling. I took Tucker's hand and then took Mommy's hand and put them together.
"Hold hands." They looked at each other and smiled.
"Hold hands!" They held hands and I giggled.
"Can we go out for breakfast today?"
"I don't know, can we?"
"Please Mommy, When is the last time we went out for breakfast?"
"I'll think about it." I played with her hands as she talked to Tucker.
"Bella, how do you feel about about going on vacation?" Tucker asked me.
"In the spring, we can go somewhere fun sweet pea."
"I don't know Mommy."
"You don't wanna go to a waterpark or something?"
"I do, I'm just to hungry to really think about it." She rolled her eyes and gave me a kiss.
Bella's Bedroom (Olivia's Perspective)
"Don't go!" She said while grabbing my arm.
"Sweetheart, I have to go to work."
"No, please don't!"
"What's wrong?" I sat down on her bed and she sniffed.
"I don't want you to go, please."
"Baby, it's only for a couple of hours. I'll be back before you know it."
"But I'm scared."
"How come?"
"You'll get hurt. I know so."
"What do you mean?"
"I saw it. Girls like you get hurt." I was confused and waited for my daughter to explain further.
"Girls with your hair get hurt Mommy." She petted it and cried on my shoulder.
"I don't want you to get hurt."
"I'll be okay. When did you see this?"
"In my dream. You got hurt." I rubbed her back as she petted my hair.
"I don't want you to get hurt. Don't go to work. They're going to hurt people with your hair!"
"What about my hair?"
"The color." I titled my head and tried to soothe her as much as I could.
"Bella, I have to go whether you like it or not. I'm sorry my love." She let go of me and wiped her eyes.
"Don't say I didn't tell you."
"Bye sweetheart, I love you." She waved and didn't reply.
Ballet (Bella's Perspective)
Something that I realized is that Mommy is home a lot more often. Like sometimes she'd be home one night and then working the other. It was in that kind of a weird pattern. I wasn't really sure why. I started getting ready to leave with Lucy when Kylie looked over at me.
"You wanna come to my house?"
"Next week!"
"Gotta ask my mommy."
"Kay, And then afterwards we'll go have so much fun."
"Cool! I have to go home and eat dinner now. I'll talk to you tomorrow!"
"Okay, Bye best friend."
"Bye!" I went out to see Lucy there and I gave her a big hug.
"How was ballet?"
"Fun. But I like gymnastics a lot more."
"You've always seemed like more of a gymnastics girl to me."
"Yeah, you do the best in there."
"I'm your favorite gymnast?"
"Of course you are!" She gave me a kiss as we walked home. Noah was home with Tucker as Lucy told me.
"Are you gonna go home Lucy?"
"Who's going to tuck me in tonight?"
"Tucker will."
"But It isn't the same as you or Mommy. He doesn't know how to tuck me in."
"I'll tell him how. Okay?"
"Okay, but if he messes it up?"
"He could learn next time."
"There's a next time?!"
"There will probably be."
"Tarter sauce."
"Tucker will start being a around a lot more often my love."
"But if Tucker is around more then you'll have to go. I don't want you to go Lucy!"
"I'm staying. Don't worry."
"Your promise?"
"I promise." She said as she opened the door.
"Hi guys."
"Hey, we were just about to start making dinner." I went and gave Tucker a side hug.
"Mhm." I gave Noah a kiss as Lucy cane to say good bye.
"Bye guys. You guys be good for Tucker okay?"
"We will." We said together. We waved to her as she left.
"What kind of pasta are you making?"
"I'm not sure. How does chicken pasta sound?"
"It sounds good." Noah passed him the chicken and he started cutting up the pieces.
"Can I help you? I want to get the seasoning for you."
"Of course you can." I grabbed it and gave it to him.
"Alright so I think I'll fry this chicken."
"Fry it? Then doesn't it become tenders?"
"No, it'd be chicken bites."
"Then you can use the marinara sauce for the pasta and put it there. Lucy did that before. Nuggets mixed with pasta."
"And then sprinkle loads of cheese on it!" Noah said.
"Alright. Let's do that." I watched as Tucker cooked the pasta and I started getting hungry.
"Can you guys start setting the table?"
"Okay." I got some plates and forks and sat down. Noah took out three ginger ales and set them down on the table.
"Come and get a plate guys." I went to Tucker and get my share of the pasta. I sat down and started to eat it.
"This needs cheese." I went and got it and sprinkled it over my food. We started to talk a little.
"How was your day Noah?"
"It was good, we played basketball outside today and my team won."
"I saw you guys." I said.
"Weren't you guys playing tag or something?"
"Yeah. We need a new game to play."
"You could play with us."
"Eh, I guess."
"Do you two enjoy school?"
"It's okay."
"You guys don't enjoy school? When I was younger I loved school."
"Well that was when you were younger and that was a while ago." I nodded in agreement and we kept eating.
My Bedroom
"Can you pass my bunny for me please?" He struggled to find it and eventually gave it to me.
"Thank you."
"I'm not entirely sure how your bedtime routine goes, I'd appreciate it if you could teach me."
"Well, sometimes Mommy has me read out loud for her and then we talk a little and then she tucks me in and tell me good night." Tucker nodded and sat on my bed.
"Can I call my Mother?"
"Let's see if I can get her for you." The phone rang and rang and she still hadn't answered.
"She's busy."
"Tell me a story."
"A story? Hmm..."
"A story about why you love my mom."
"Sit up and let me tell you." I sat up and watched him as he started to speak. I listened as he told me how pretty my Mom was. It made me tired so I closed my eyes and nodded as he spoke.

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