Bella Approaches Liv

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The Drive Back (Bella's Perspective)
When we were driving back to the city I kept thinking about how I was going to talk to Mommy about my dad. How can I tell her these feelings? Will she be mad? Wait, mommy doesn't get mad about these things! What am I saying?
"Mom, What if we went to Best Buy so I can get some packs for my games?!"
"It's going to be crazy out there."
"I don't want to go."
"How come?"
"I want to- just never mind."
"What is it Bella?"
"I said never mind."
"No need to be feisty. We'll talk later." Mommy made a left turn and the rest of the ride was a bit quiet. Mommy would talk to Noah, and then she'd try to talk to me.
"Mom, I think aliens are real. They're just waiting to attack earth."
"Maybe they are. What do you think Bella?"
"I dunno."
We just came back home from shopping and I was ready to go into my room.
"Bell, after you settle in come to my room please." She rubbed my shoulder and then went into her room.
"Why were you so moody?" Noah asked. I can't tell him about it. He wouldn't get it.
"Some stuff." I grabbed my bag that had my toys and stuff in it and put it on my bed. I changed into comfy clothing and I went into my mom's room.
"Sit here honey." I sat next to her and she closed her computer.
"Honey, what's up? You were really snappy in the car today, and you haven't been like that in a while."
"I actually wanted to tell you something, well talk to you about something."
"Just tell me lovey."
"Can I talk to you about my dad? I have something that's been on my mind."
"Of course, What is it?"
"Remember when I was like 6 or 7 and I used to say I hated him and I never wanted to see him?"
"Yeah, you were pretty persistent then."
"I wish I hadn't said those things, I actually kind of, want a dad. All of my friends have one and they spend time with them, take them out on daddy daughter days and vacations. I want that too!" I started to cry tears of anger.
"I never knew you felt this way. Come here!" Mommy and I talked about it and cried for a long while.
"You wanna know a secret?"
"What?" I asked sniffling and wiping tears out of my eyes.
"You know, my dad- wasn't there when I was growing up. It was just me and my mom. When I was younger I wanted a dad to spend time with sometimes. Everyone has a dad, but it doesn't necessarily means that they'll always be there, and that's a really hard thing you know. Because Daddy's and Daughters are supposed to have the tightest bond."
"Why wasn't your dad with you?"
"Because of something he did."
"It was bad?"
"Super bad." Mommy's voice cracked a little and she kept rubbing my back.
"What did he do?"
"I can't tell you now, but I'll explain it to you when you're older. Alright?"
"Give me a big hug." Mommy and I shared one more hug minus us full on crying. Instead, we both smiled a tiny smile and mommy held my hand.
"I have something for you." She went over to her jewelry box and took out a necklace. It was a gold necklace from what I saw.
"What does it say on this necklace?"
"Strength. Right?"
"Yes sweetheart." She went behind me and put it on me.
"I'm giving you this necklace, so it can help you be strong. Every time you wear this I want you to remember how strong you are, how you're a survivor. You can get through anything. Understand?" She said while putting her finger on my chest.
Mommy had to go to work. This means I wouldn't see her again until next week Sunday or so. But sometimes she would be gone for 2 weeks! But these days I'm used to it. Mommy has to work a lot because cops work a lot. Luckily, I went to my friends house.
"Kylie!" I gave her a big hug and her mom laughed.
"You two have fun!"
"We will!"
"Bye mommy, I love you!"
"I love you more. Jennifer, thanks again."
"No problem Liv, it's always great to have your daughter around."
"Bye everyone."
"Bye!" After my mom left we sat on the couch and thought for a while.
"What do you girls want to do?"
"We don't know! It's very hard to choose between a fashion show and being chefs!"
"Let's do both then, Do you guys want to help me make some cookies?"
"Yes please!" We said happily.
"Momma, can we make chocolate chip? That's our favorite!"
"Why not?"
"I'll get the chocolate chips Momma!"
"Be careful. Bella pass me some butter please."
"Sure Mrs.Ashcroft!" I passed her the butter and she started making the batter.
"Can I put the chocolate chips in Momma?"
"You and Bella both can." We poured in the chocolate chips and watched as she started putting the dough on a pan.
"Can we eat some Momma?"
"A little bit, remember it's raw eggs so you can't have lots guys." She gave us a tiny bit and it tasted pretty good. How could something so good be bad for you?!
"Now Girls, while we wait for the cookies to bake why don't we have a fashion show?!"
"Yeah, were gonna be fashion designers!"
"Alright, go change I'll be waiting." We ran upstairs to find a fashionista dress and we put it on. Mines was pink and Kylie's was purple!
We walked downstairs with our pearl necklaces on and our cool sunglasses.
"Look at these little fashionistas! Come take a picture so I can show Olivia." We posed like a model and then said we still had more outfits.
"Next outfit is pjs!"
The Precinct (Olivia's Perspective)
"Aww that's adorable."
"Bella's at a sleepover and they're having a fashion show." I showed Fin the picture and he smiled.
"She's beautiful. She's going to grow up to be an amazing young lady."
"She is isn't she?"
"You know the other day she came to me and said she felt sad and left out because she didn't have a dad that was there for her. And she cried harder than she ever did before."
"Oh poor Bella. Is she feeling better? Is there something that I could do to help?"
"She's doing good from what I'm being told. Her therapist said that she's been talking about it so that's always a starter. I was wondering if maybe you could take her to the Daddy-Daughter dance in February. It would make her feel much happier."
"Of course I'll take her to the Daddy-Daughter dance! She needs a male figure in her life, well a positive one. Plus I haven't seen the kids in the while, we should go out for lunch."
"Thanks, that sounds amazing. Give me a date and I'll make it work."
"Sure thing Liv!" He gave me a thumbs up as her left the room and a gave him a warm smile in return.

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