Start from the beginning

I lower the window of the car and raise the volume of the radio. Mr Wang asked me to meet him at the bookstore to discuss something important. I don’t know what it is, but I hope nothing bad happened.
Seeing Wang He’s face again last night, though through a screen, destabilized me.
After I left him, he tried so hard to fix it... He cut Song Yi Ren out of his life,  made friends with Liu Haoran and tried to get closer to Kido... Every night he came to my aunt’s house and wait for hours for me to go out.
But I wasn’t ready. And when after a year I felt like I couldn’t go on without him, it was Wang He Di who wasn’t ready. He was angry. And he sent me away. Later, he repented and came back to me, but this time I was the angry one. And we lost each other. Definitely.
I call little Wang Su every day, but we avoid talking about his brother. How do I feel about him now? I don’t know anymore.

Through the window we see Yue parking her car in front of the Bookstore.
I feel Wang He Di stiffen up suddenly. As soon as she enters, Wang Su runs to meet her to greet her.
Yue hugs him tightly and kisses his cheeks.
"My little puppy!" she exclaims, taking his face in her hands.
It’s funny, now Su is as tall as her.
"Yueyue! I’m twelve now! It’s embarrassing!" my son complains.
"Oh... It’s true, sorry".
Su studies with a smile the disappointed face of Yue and then he hugs her.
"I'm kidding, silly," he says.
I’m happy that despite everything that has happened, Yue has never abandoned Su. She has always been there for him. Although far away, she has remained one of his most important landmarks.
I turn to Wang He Di, who looks at her from afar with an indecipherable expression.
"Mr Wang!" Yue comes to greet me with a big smile.
" Hello, little Yueyue! Thank you for coming!"
"No problems... From the phone call it seemed important," she replied, then sat down at a bookstore table with us. Only in that moment she notice the presence of He Di.
The two look at each other without speaking for a few seconds.
"Hi" she says, obviously uncomfortable.
He lowers his head and does not answer.

My father explains to Yue why he asked her to join us.
When he tells her he wants to entrust the Bookstore to her and Didi, her eyes open wide as if she had seen a ghost.
"Mr Wang, I can’t accept" she murmurs, blushing.
"Yueyue... you told me you hate teaching! You told me you were happy when you worked here!" exclaims Dad.
"Sure, it’s true! But... It’s too important, Mr Wang. It’s a family thing and I... I have not anything to do with it".
"That’s what I said" mutters my brother.
Yue just flinches when she hears him talk.
"It's exactly because it is a family thing that I am asking you. When will you put in your head that you are part of this family? It doesn't matter whether you are with He Di or not. To me you are like a daughter and to Su you're like a sister. Please accept my offer. Please, it’s important to me... And to my wife".
Daddy has shiny eyes... And Yue too.
I think she'll never get used to hearing those words.
"I... Mr Wang, I don’t think Dylan agrees".
"Exactly. I don’t agree at all. It’s stupid," Didi insists, bored.
"Yue... please... Fulfill the wish of a poor old man..."
Yue looks him straight in the eye and she smiles.
"All right. I accept" she whispers, torturing her hands.
My father runs to hug her.
"Thank you! Thank you very much!"
"Thanks to you, Mr. Wang. This means a lot to me, really. But... First I have to get fired and find a new apartment nearby. My aunt has moved, so I can’t ask her to host me. Give me some time," explains Yue.
"You’ll stay at our house until you find a place to stay, don’t worry," says Dad. "WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! NO WAY!" Didi blows up, incredulous.
"No, I can’t accept it" Yue blushes.
"Oh, now  stop it, you two! Do you still love each other? Get together! Don’t you love each other? Remember the beautiful things that you have experienced together and stop acting like two children! I don’t want to hear stories. You’ll stay with us as long as it takes. Do you have any idea how much apartments around here cost? And, Wang He Di, remember the words you said to me when you asked me to let Yue live in our home years ago... And remember what I told you: you can’t kick her out. Whatever happens between you".
Seeing dad so angry always has an effect... And that’s probably why Yue and Dylan are sitting quietly with their heads down.
"So we’re okay?" asks daddy, serious. The two nod and he smiles again. "Perfect! Then it’s decided! Sorry, I have to make a phone call..." he gets up and goes out.
After a few minutes of silence, Dylan points to Yue’s car.
"You parked badly" he mutters.
" Oh... I just got my license, I still have to practice some more".
"Once she ended up on a sidewalk!" I laugh, hoping to dampen the tension.
"Hry! That’s not true!" she exclaims, giving me a pat on the arm.
" Yes, it is true! You told me so!"
" I was just joking!"
Suddenly Dylan interrupts us, leaning towards Yue.
"I hate you" he tells her.
Yue turns pale.
"Wang He Di..."
"No, you should know. I hate you. And it doesn’t matter if we live and work together now. I will never forgive you for what you put me through. That being said, I know you have the skills and experience to help me improve this bookstore, so work hard".
Yue’s eyes get wet, but she nods her head high.
I know what Dad has in mind... I just hope it works. Because either it works this time, or their relationship will be lost forever.

Author's Corner
I suppose this time jump may have destabilized you a little, but I honestly wasn’t willing to add any more sad chapters.
So...  The story repeats itself, eh?   
I’m curious to know what you think... I know you will have many questions about Kido and Yiren... But don’t worry, everything will have an answer in the next chapters 😉
Thank you for all the support 💜💛
A big hug,

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