Ainglean (Angelic)

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Her eyes are spellbinding but when I saw the small amounts of milky skin and I was tempted.  It angers me as I realize it isn't just her beauty but her careless voice that intrigues me.  How does such an innocent Princess talk such politics to a King?  She speaks so confidently and proves my greatest fear.

Council was not forgiving on the subject of this princess.  They are demanding I take her as my bride but I am holding my ground on the subject. Smart of them after I took an oath just last week.  An oath of allegiance to not defy their wishes as my father once did and destroyed this Kingdom.  I could have been denied the throne and it given to my half brother if he honored their request and I refused.  My father used his armies against the council and they lived in fear.  That is not the kind of kingdom I plan to run, especially after what happened in Lámhach.  The threat was already served and war was inevitable, now I already have enemies. 

I learned quite a bit from Lámhach.  The starving people as I saw in my own kingdom showed me how weak both kingdoms truly are and if we are to prepare for an invasion from Cruálacht we will need the dedication of the people.  King Samuel may very well make promises to our own that will cost my life along with others. 

The greed for power is another reason to regret Lámhach.  Power made me hungry for more but I see with this one Princess that power does not mean respect. 

By watching her today I showed her my own power which made her hatred grow but there cannot be any mistake, I am in power and she is at my mercy.  If the council wins she will become my wife and she can never feel as if she has any power over me.  I can have power over her but still have her trust, which in return she may someday reciprocate.  Mr. Chambers told me a woman will harbor feelings for the man that gives her children and someday, I can trust her as my wife. 

My life won't change, I can still indulge with the ladies of the court and only lye with my wife for reproductive duties like many of the noblemen of this court. 

"I will have the Princesses dresses prepared quickly.  The first by tomorrow since some are nearly finished." The dressmaker said which stirred me from my thoughts.

"That will not do as we have dinner with the council tonight.  A celebration if you will, please do have one done by this evening.  Might I suggest the plaid since it only needs minor adjustments." I said knowing he has plenty of help.

"As you wish, your majesty." He bowed and one of the women proceeded to undress the princess. 

"You are excused until this evening and I will escort you to the celebration.  My court will finally see the Princess that has stirred so many whispers." I said and she just nodded.  My services are no longer necessary but I cannot resist watching her stand so innocently in her shift. 

I cannot deny the attraction I feel toward the princess and her hatred only encourages it.  It's like a passion, maybe an aphrodisiac that draws me toward her.  Maybe I want to be punished for my crimes in Lámhach because the thought of condemning the princess to the tower or to death makes me feel weak.  I need to be strong and her hatred makes me feel powerful, her punishment will be swift but I am sure pleasurable at the least. 

The rest of my afternoon will be spent deciding what crimes will be sent to the courts and which will be forgiven.  No matter how tempted I am today, it will be best to be merciful but show power at the same time.  Only the most horrid crimes will escalate for the time being.  If I am to win the hearts of the people I must show mercy. 

My mother was loved by the people.  Her grace fed the hungry and clothed the poor.  She told me stories of A Stór and how the Princesses father ruled from the heart instead of fear.  She said any battle with that Kingdom would destroy Cogadh.  His Majesty's armies will win because of his loyalists and allies in the region.  I could take A Stór but at what price? 

I drafted a request for the Princesses belongings but also for the King himself to tour Lámhach and witness the secrets of that country then join me to negotiate an alliance.  I must at least try if I want to defend us against Cruálacht.  Otherwise, I will wage war and take A Stór as promised.  I may have changed my original plan but that's not because of the angelic princess who graced my chambers this morning.

"He is only a child and we all are now fully aware of situations like his own.  He will join court until the appropriate age to join the royal army.  Make his parents aware and assign him to the kitchen under the supervision of Ms. Harlow." I ordered of a child caught stealing bread.  My father would have punished him by taking a hand, bypassing the courts but what good does a one-handed petty thief do me?  He will earn a full belly and learn discipline then one day become a fine soldier who is loyal to the crown. 

I only sent two people to the courts before returning to my chamber to dress for dinner.  I am curious how the council and the royal court react to the angry princess.  I am also curious how she will react in the presence of my most loyal men.  If she is to become my bride, I am curious about what reception she will receive. 

I am also preparing for the presence of my stepmother. Her actions in the next few weeks will fortell if the council will agree to her exile I requested this morning.  My brother may return to court only if he takes the oath of honor and swears his loyalty to me by abdication.  Otherwise, there will be no allowance and he too will be exiled.  I have failed to prove my stepmother's involvement in my father's death but somehow and someday she will face the courts if my request for exile isn't granted.

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