Mianach (Mine)

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Charles II (Liam)

I came to claim what's rightfully mine and my father would be proud. It was a bloody battle but the war is yet to win, it's too bad the king and his prince didn't join alliance with my father.

Three days is all it has taken to prove I am the stronger King. Taking Lámhach is only the first step, a warning to the King of A stór as to what awaits him if he doesn't peacefully give his kingdom to me. I never doubted my triumph for a moment, especially when the Lámhach King felt my sword run through him.

His son was a fool not to retreat as my men pounded down on his men. One after another they fell until it was just us, the yet to be crowned King just as I am with no Coronation as of yet. I've had three days but the brave prince Daniel had three minutes until once again my sword felt the dreadful piercing of the man's heart.

I will admit a twinge of guilt at that moment as this young royal held the same responsibilities as myself but at least he now has peace. It was easy to forget the significance of the evening for him but instead of his wedding we will celebrate a proper burial for the two nobles that lay at my feet.

Their own men are now in my clutches and stand aside for my men to throw the Prince's body on the back of my horse. I will deliver him to his new bride and give her father a proper warning.

I've only heard tale of the princess of
A stór or properly the Princess of Lámhach if this man carried out his duty as a new husband. It is told her beauty is captivating like a spell only a witch could cast. They say her eyes are as green as the greenest foliage with fairy dust to make them shimmer and her hair is dark but soft like silk.

Will she be relieved to have been released from the prison of marriage or will she spill tears? I've been told of their long courtship inside their arrangement. As my horse takes me inside the castle walls men kneel to pay respect to their fallen king and prince. I have one left, a younger brother and I will hunt him and nothing will stand in my way of taking Lámhach.

My horse stood in front of grieving men and women. "I am here to claim what is rightfully mine. I am King Charles II, heir to the Cogadh throne. As you can see your festivities have come to an end. Your valiant king and his son have fallen to my sword. I want the young Prince of Lámhach to turn himself over. I will grant him clemency if he abdicates the throne."

I looked around at the weeping people at my feet. "I will burn your homes, my men will rape your women and I will not stop until he stands forward!" As king I should not make false promises but right now leaves me no choice.

I jumped down from my horse and pulled the dead prince to the ground but heard a blood-curdling scream. A woman in a gown, unproperly worn with long brown hair flowing behind her came running and fell to the ground, only it wasn't to my feet but next to the corpse of who I presume to be her new husband.

My men moved forward but I held my hand up to stop them.

"We just might have what we need to draw out the boy," I said.

"He's not here." A man stepped forward. "We would not have the only two sons of King Astaire at the same place at the same moment. He is at an undisclosed location outside Lámhach receiving his education."

I stepped toward the man. "Who are you?"

"Duke Worthington, the Prince's godfather, and uncle. He will never abdicate." He said.

"Is that right?" I shook my head. "He will be hunted down but if we don't find him he will eventually show his face. Until then Lámhach is under my control."

The old man spits at my feet so I looked at my men and gave them the nod of approval. Of course, the old man fought but his head was taken in front of all the people that watched in horror. I felt horror with them but for the moment I must show my strength.

"A stór is not my concern today and maybe not tomorrow but know that we are coming. If not us it will be Cruálacht. My father had dreams of this war since an alliance was refused and I'm carrying out his plans as his only good son. I will take pity on you all for now but many of my men will stay to help with your transition to Cogadh rule. Today, I have liberated you all from this King's tyranny and soon you will be begging at my feet. You will realize what is best and the boy will turn himself in to me."

"Never!" Many of them screamed.

"Help the lady onto a horse," I ordered.

"No! You will not take Lady Annalise!" One man screamed and the people cried.

"She will be safe and no harm will come to her as my guest. That is as long as her father complies with my demands."

The girl screams and struggles but I haven't taken my eyes off the grieving crowd. "Tie her up and gag her if you have to, at least until she calms," I ordered. "I'll say a prayer for your nobles and your people. Do not forget who is now your king." I warned them as I got on my horse. Such filth doesn't deserve such prayers but it is my duty as leader of the church. I learned today that King Alistair is no better than my father.

I kicked my horse and rode off with a screaming princess on the horse behind me. It will be a long journey but once she sees the truth she will thank me.

Who is your favorite metal band? I remember the big hair days, isn't that crazy?

Nefarious (A Completed Steamy First Book To A Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя