23 ↠ boyfriend Michael

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He even surprised himself with how calm he was about this situation.

It was his sister's birthday party in the afternoon but for some reason, he cleared his schedule in the morning.

Luke had to half lie to his boyfriend about his whereabouts but if Calum Hood wanted to talk, Luke will talk.

Instead of going to the store, he put in an order which he could later just pick up. So hopefully if it wasn't necessary Michael wouldn't find out. And Luke didn't want to lie to him but it was Calum's request that their meeting would remain a secret.

When he got to the café, Calum was already sitting in the corner with a tea in front of him and scrolling through his phone.

"Hi," Luke sat opposite to him and nervously observed the older man.

He had no idea why he was here, what they had to talk about and why Calum was looking at him the way he was.

"Hi, thank you for coming."

He was polite as always and had his poker face on. That didn't help to calm Luke's nerves at all.

A few months back Luke would just stare at him until the other man would start talking but if he learned anything from Matt, was to be clear about what you want. And Luke really wanted to know why Calum from all the people wanted to have a secret meeting with him.

"Not that I wouldn't want to enjoy some quiet time but I have a birthday party in a few hours so..."

Then Calum smiled and confused Luke even more.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I'm just thinking about what we should start with first."

First? Luke thought. So, it wasn't even just one thing.

Luke sighed because he didn't know either.

"When were you planning on telling me you and Michael officially got together?"

Luke almost choked on his lemonade. "Me? I was the one who should tell you that?"

Calum leaned over the table. "Well, it's pretty clear you two are together and since Michael didn't tell me about it, there's the possibility of you asking him not to."

After realizing Luke didn't know what to say the Maori man continued. "Look, you from all people should understand how much Michael's happiness means to me. And I need to do everything I can to make sure what happened with Gabe won't happen again."

"First of all," Luke said with an angry tone. "I'm not Gabe. And second, it's not your responsibility to take care of Michael's love life and Gabe wasn't your fault either."

Calum looked at him with wide eyes. "So, he didn't tell you?"

"Michael?" Luke asked and he nodded. "What was he supposed to tell me?"

The brown-eyed man rolled his eyes. "Jerk." He wasn't sure if the comment was meant for him or for Michael but he kept his mouth shut. "I am the one who's responsible Michael not just met Gabe but that they got together."

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