17 ↠ what about sex?

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Luke was nervously biting his lip as he waited for Michael to pick up his phone.

When the older man picked up the phone, he didn't even say hello before yawning into the phone.

"Hi, Lukey." The red-haired man finally said.

"Oh god, did I wake you up?" He regretted calling him immediately. It was nine in the morning on a Sunday but Luke was desperate so he didn't even think about the details when he called.

"You did but it's fine." Before Luke could apologize or say anything else, Michael continued talking. "And when I say it's fine, I mean it. I'll be more upset if you wouldn't tell me why are you calling."

Luke smiled and was happy no one could see him. "It's Erin. She has a math test tomorrow and she asked me to check her homework and she got all the results wrong. I tried to help her and explain some equations but we got in a fight and I don't know what to do."

"I'll be there in twenty minutes."


"Just make me some coffee and get ready too. I'll bring Broccoli with me so you can take her on a walk."

The line was dead before Luke could explain how he only wanted some tips on how to tutor other people. But he definitely wasn't complaining.

Walking Michael's dog and seeing Michael would instantly brighten his day.


"You know this is my first time in your room," Michael said and he felt stupid right away because of course, Luke knew. If he wouldn't it'd be weird.

"Is it anything you'd imagine it'd be?"

He took another look around.

It was small but the fact that Luke didn't have many things and everything was clean and neatly tidied made it feel bigger.

Surprisingly it also felt cozy.

"No." Michael shook his head. "I expected more white."

The room was painted green and the furniture was dark grey.

"But it fits you. It's calm and it has good vibes."

Luke smiled. "You know there are different types of OCD and not all of them have to do with cleaning."

Michael did know. But he liked listening to Luke speak so he decided to ask a long burning question. "Which type are you?"

The younger man sighed. "All of them? None of them?"

Luke sat down on his bed next to Michael.

"I like when things are in order. In color schemes, placed by size, overall pleasant to the eye. I like symmetry and orderliness which is one of the more common ones. But I don't get upset if something is not in order, I just feel and work better when it is. I know that if I have five pens on the table the fourth one is the red one and I don't even have to look to pick the right one."

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