6 ↠ thanks, Mikey

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The last chapter didn't get that many votes and I just want you to know you can vote and leave feedback even if you don't participate in the voting. You all know how much feedback means to me. (:

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"You've been working for me for almost two years Luke." Michael's dad said as he drove his son and his employee to the party. "I don't remember you once going to a party."

"I'm not really the type," Luke said quietly.

There was no music in the car which made the silence weird and awkward.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked and it took Luke a second to realize the red-haired boy was talking to him.


After he got his reply, Michael turned around to actually look at Luke. "Seriously, dude. What's wrong? If you don't want to go to the party, you don't have to."

Luke shook his head. "No, it's not that. I'm just not used to sitting on the right side of the car."

When the two came to pick Luke up he noticed there were boxes on the left side of the car so he had no other choice than to sit on the right side.

He knew sitting behind the driver was the safest spot in case of an accident.

Michael gave his dad a look and both doctor Clifford and he seemed to read Michael's face at the same time. Mr. Clifford was already pulling over just as Luke wanted to start complaining.

He watched awkwardly as Michael went out of the car and put all the boxes in the trunk. When the spot was clear Luke switched seats.

"Thank you," He said to both and they just nodded.

They were so alike Luke couldn't help but smile at their simultaneous gestures.

Matt's house or better said the party was nothing like Luke was expecting. It was true what he said, he never went to a lot of parties except with that one guy he was once seeing but those were much different.

From the outside, you couldn't even see there was a party going on.

Luke followed Michael from the car to the front door. He only now realized how catastrophically this will be. None of the few friends he has will be here so besides Michael and Matt he knew no one. And he only spoke to Matt once.

They entered the house which was bigger than Michael's and Michael's house was big.

There were around twenty people in the living room talking even though there was music to which they could dance to on. Everybody had a drink in their hands and when Michael entered the room everybody almost shouted their hellos and heys to them. Probably to Michael.

One of Michael's friends, Luke though his name was Calum came to them with two unopened bottles of beer.

"Matt burned the frozen pizzas and decided to make me a host while he and Ashton went to pick them up from an actual pizzeria."

Michael laughed and opened the beer he was handed. "He definitely chose the most welcoming person."

The other beer was intended for Luke.

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