9 ↠ not with that attitude

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I know some of you are upset because Michael doesn't like Luke but then the story would end with chapter ten! we like making things interesting over here. (: thank you for reading! ♡

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Luke was confident and a hundred percent sure he could do this until Matt texted him, he was there to pick him up.

He didn't even know him.

Yes, he's been to his house and they talked like two times but he could be really creepy and just not a good person.

But then Matt opened the car door for him and asked what music does he wants to listen to in the car. Luke was kind of sold on that.

Plus, Michael said he was a nice guy. And to Luke who thought Michael was the best guy meant a lot.

"I'm sorry." Matt apologized when they made it to the restaurant he picked. "I talk too much... I'm just nervous."

"It's fine," Luke said quietly after the brown-eyed man shut down the car. "I-I'm better at listening than talking anyway."

"I've noticed you don't talk much." The other man said with a small smile on his face.

Luke shrugged his shoulders. "People say I'm shy."

"Nothing wrong with that." Matt grinned. He definitely was a nice person.

One thing Luke found funny was that Matt wanted to be a gynecologist.

"Don't laugh," Matt whined. "It's not that I like vaginas that much or at all."

Luke noticed a couple of people turn their heads around because Matt did talk loudly which made him giggle even more.

"It's a family business. And my younger brother wants to be a firefighter since he was two so I decided to take one for the team. I also actually don't mind."

"Better than looking at dicks all day." Luke even surprised himself with his wit. "You could get bored of them."

Matt kept checking his phone making Luke nervous because phones were nasty and dirty and Matt ate his pizza with his hands.

"Is everything okay?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Luke. It's just my mum." He quickly typed something and put the phone back in his pocket. "It's just she's been waiting for me to go on a date with a boy ever since I came out. She's a bit too excited for me."

That shocked Luke. "This is your first date with a boy?"

Because of his dark complex, Luke couldn't see if Matt was blushing but judging by his facial expression he was.

"Yes. I mean I only realized I was gay this summer."

"Came out of the closet or...?"

Matt shook his head. "I was never in the closet in the first place." He leaned a bit forward. "I was in Europe over the summer and I got drunk in France, ended up kissing a boy. Got drunk in Poland, ended up kissing a boy. Didn't got drunk in Italy but still kissed a boy at the end of the night out."

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